Teammates of Trans Swimmer Considered Boycott of Final Meet in Protest

The teammates of a transgender swimmer who has shattered women’s collegiate records have considered boycotting the University of Pennsylvania’s final yearly meet in protest of Lia Thomas’ ascendance in the sport, according to reporting Wednesday from the Daily Mail.
At least two swimmers on UPenn’s women’s team have spoken against the participation of Thomas anonymously, suggesting other competitors don’t agree with the idea of a biological male shattering records in what’s supposed to be a women’s sport. A USA Swimming official resigned earlier this week, explaining that she can “no longer stand by” as trans lunacy devastates the integrity and the very concept of women’s sports.
The team of swimmers had considered making a no-show for the school’s final January 8th meeting against Dartmouth. They decided against the protest act, with some citing fears of belligerent pro-trans activists on college campuses and potential repercussions from UPenn itself. Some fear non-selection for the Ivy League’s annual championship in February, according to the reporting.
“Knowing they do not have backing from the school or NCAA, they’re reluctant to jeopardize their opportunity to make the elite Ivy League squad,” said a source familiar of the situation. The girls on the team oppose the concept of a biological male competing against their peers, but have been bullied into silence by an unsupportive NCAA and university.
A parent of one of the swimmers spoke anonymously on the swimming community’s dislike for Thomas, who previously competed as a male swimmer before undergoing a gender “transition.”
“It’ll be like the last couple meets,” the parent said of the upcoming Dartmouth meet. “Lia will finish and nobody will give a s—. Then when the first biological female finishes, there will be a huge eruption of applause.”
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