Tennessee House Stands Up to RINO Republican Governor’s Attempt to Turn the State into a Third World Cesspool
Last week the Tennessee House of Representatives voted 72 to 25 to approve HJR741, a resolution in opposition to Governor Lee’s decision to allow refugee resettlement in Tennessee and challenge his power to do so.
This move is the latest in efforts by Tennessee immigration patriots to stop resettlement in their state.
HJR741 reiterates claims made in a similar anti-refugee resolution that Representative Terri Weaver sponsored in 2016. That resolution launched a lawsuit against the federal government challenging its authority to carry out refugee resettlement in Tennessee without the legislature’s consent. Two federal courts threw out lawsuit, and a subsequent appeal in theSixth Circuit Court of Appeals was also rejected.
HJR741 is one of few pieces of legislation introduced in 2020 designed to challenge Governor Lee’s decision to bring in refugees.
Several activists were clearly irked by this resolution.
Lisa Sherman-Nikolaus, Policy Director for TIRRC Votes, issued the following statement:
This resolution is election year politics at its worst. Representative Weaver’s resolution does nothing to alter or strengthen the resettlement program, instead it increases skepticism about refugees and re-hashes arguments that have already been settled by the courts and by the General Assembly. There are many things legislators could do to support refugees and invest in the success of all families who call Tennessee home. This resolution accomplishes nothing except to spread misinformation, divide our communities, and make refugee families feel unwelcome. Representative Weaver should spend her time trying to pass legislation that meaningfully improves the lives of her constituents instead of scapegoating refugees.
Last September, President Donald Trump issued an executive order which required governors and county executives planning on resettling refugees to give their consent on the matter.
19 Republican Governors have consented to resettling refugees so far.
Republicans are playing with fire by trying to embrace a moderate form of the refugee mania.
National cohesion is at stake when letting endless waves of migrants — be they refugees, legal workers, or illegals — enter the country.
The Tennessee House should be saluted for exercising sanity on this matter.