Texas Democrats Return Home After Abdicating the Vote as Gov. Greg Abbott’s Threats Fall Flat

Texas Democrat legislators are returning home and not being apprehended by authorities after abdicating the vote, despite threats from Gov. Greg Abbott.

Abbott made a big public display claiming that he would have the Democrats arrested, but as usual, he was only offering bluster, and Democrats are laughing in his face as a result.

State representative James Talarico bragged on Twitter that he is returning home as a hero to further undermine the Republican agenda in the state:

Additionally, Democrat state representatives Art Fierro, Mary González and Joe Moody have returned to the state while some still hold out in Washington D.C. Abbott and House Speaker Dade Phelan are currently begging the Texas Supreme Court to permit them to enforce the law.

“Compelling the attendance of its members is a prerogative given to the House by the Texas Constitution,” the petition offered by Abbott and Phelan said.

Considering recent court cases have covered up election fraud, solidified violations of civil liberties due to COVID-19 edicts and surrendered a child’s innocence to the transgender cult, Abbott’s court challenge is likely to fall flat, neutering him completely and making the Democrats in the state look strong.

Big League Politics has reported on the failure of Abbott to do much of anything other than offer lip service, which has resulted in a tragedy at the U.S. southern border:

A group of Texas sheriffs and immigration patriots are rallying to demand for Governor Greg Abbott to close the border and end the crisis that is jeopardizing state and national security.

The organization is putting on a Border Crisis Rally this weekend to put the focus on the border being flooded constantly since Biden was instilled in the White House via military force. Abbott has talked tough on the matter but done little to actually fix the problem.

The tagline for the protest slated to commence on Saturday, May 22nd from 4pm to 6pm CST at the Kinney County Civic Center in Brackettville is “WE ASKED FOR HELP…AND NO ONE CAME!” They are emerging to become the leaders needed to fight back against open border insanity.

Maria Espinoza, National Director for The Remembrance Project, is stressing for the need of this protest because the situation is worsening rapidly without much of a response from Abbott and other Republican leaders in Austin.

“More than 25 Texas counties have filed Declarations of Disaster.  The counties’ actions are fueled by Texas residents who are concerned for the safety and welfare of their families and businesses.  Nothing has been done to end the border crisis so, the counties are stepping up to the plate,” she told Big League Politics.

“We are for the Rule of Law, therefore, we fully support the counties in enforcing Texas State Laws in order to protect Texans. I’m asking the public to join us in ending this border crisis,” Espinoza added.

Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith has said that the situation at the border is causing the rule of law to disintegrate, and communities are uniting to defend order in the midst of an institutional collapse across the state and the nation.

“Due to the inaction of the federal and state governments in enforcing the southern border with Mexico, many counties in Texas are now coordinating their law enforcement efforts to protect their residents,” Smith said.”

Abbott’s lack of action justifies the many primary challengers emerging within the Republican Party to oppose his rule. The Democrats are rapidly gaining momentum because Abbott is a feckless leader.

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