Texas Official Claims Biden Regime Green Program Could Cause Substantial Environmental Damage

A Republican elected official in Texas had been vocally opposing the Biden regime’s attempts to bring offshore wind to the coast of Texas due to misgivings about the technology potentially having negative effects on the environment.
Several green organizations have poured cold water on concerns about whales and praise the technology as a critical piece of the zero-emissions energy future, whereas other environmental organizations have filed a lawsuit against the government and claimed that environmental reviews for approved projects were inadequate or otherwise going against the law.
On April 29, 2024, Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham submitted comments with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) manifesting her opposition to the agency’s campaign to hold a 410,000-acre offshore wind lease sale close to Texas in the Gulf of Mexico. Buckingham worried that offshore wind, a critical green technology that forms the bedrock of the Biden regime’s climate agenda, will bring about unnecessary ecological damage.
“As of now, I see a number of significant concerns — economic, practical, and environmental — that must be addressed before a prospective wind lessee is permitted to cross state-owned submerged land,” Buckingham wrote in her letter published on April 29. “Even if a lessee were to actually see a path to eking out a profit, introducing hundreds of wind turbines across 410,060 acres of ecologically-sensitive ocean is reckless and directly contradicts the Biden administration’s recent position when leasing federal land in the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas development,” Buckingham wrote, making a reference the Biden regime’s legal attempts to roadblock a Gulf of Mexico oil lease by enacting protections for the Rice’s whale.
On top of expressing concerns about the effects that offshore wind projects may have on whales, Buckingham manifested similar concerns that offshore wind developments could put in jeopardy migratory birds that travel through the area and disrupt marine ecosystems that undergird the Texan economy.
Buckingham also made references to the fact that BOEM’s recent venture to sell offshore leases in the Gulf of Mexico failed, with two of three available parcels, which includes one close to Texas, that ended up getting zero bids from developers.
According to a report by the Daily Caller, the entire American offshore wind industry has spent the entire calendar year coping with inflation, high borrowing costs, and supply chain issues.
Green energy is simply inefficient and too costly to be implemented on a national scale. This is just another scheme to impoverish Americans while also granting the government more control over the energy sector — a total lose-lose scenario for Middle America.