The EU is Desperately Importing Refugees Before European Elections

The EU is praising a large rise in the number of migrants, predominantly from South America, over the last year.
Although the EU experienced an overall decrease of 10 percent in asylum applications over the last year, asylum applications from third world migrants who traveled to EU nations rose by almost a third during this timeframe, to approximately 115,000.
These numbers included 22,200 Venezuelans and 10,200 Colombians who made up the bulk of applicants from South America. 20,000 Georgians and 21,900 Albanians were the major European migrant groups outside of the EU. These four immigrant groups put together have surpassed the total number of asylum claims that Iraqi and Syrian nationals have made in the last year.
Almost a fifth of the 634,700 applications carried out in EU nations were filed by migrants coming from countries with visa-free travel to the Schengen area. According to numbers that the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) disclosed to the German media, this marks a significant increase in the proportion of migrants coming to the EU with visa-free travel compared to previous years.
The European Commission is now being urged to advance legislation that allows for countries to issue “humanitarian visas” that allows migrants from all over the globe to travel to EU nations for the purpose of asylum seeking. This same legislation was approved in December by the EU parliament with an absolute majority of 429 votes in its favor.
Globalist Members of the European Parliament are justified in their haste to pass such legislation. The rise of populist, anti-mass migration parties at the polls could be a major hindrance to their open border schemes. Juan Fernando López Aguilar worries that the next couple of months could be the EU’s last chance to enact “humanitarian visas”.
López Aguilar is well aware of right wing parties surging at the polls in his home country of Spain. Parties like Vox, who have been critical of Spain’s immigration policies, are expected to have a great showing during the European elections on May 26, 2019.
López Aguilar added:
“After more than four years of very tough negotiations, we have before us a new and possibly last opportunity to approve European Humanitarian Visas. We need to do more to help people in need, as there are currently clearly not enough legal and safe pathways to the EU for those seeking international protection.”
Despite evidence showing the corrosive mix of generous welfare states and mass migration, Europe’s political class is hell-bent on pushing mass migration at all costs.
And they have to act fast now.
The growing populist wave that is set to make a splash in the May elections could present a major roadblock to the EU’s globalist agenda for the next few years.
Come this May, EU leadership might be in for a rude awakening.