There’s an Alarming Rise in Gun Shop Theft as Blue Cities Turn Into Gothamesque Statelets

Massive amounts of theft are ripping apart Democratic-run cities nationwide. The most notable theft cases have taken place at retail stores, which has turned into a significant problem for the retail industry. It has resulted in a $100 billion shrinkage in 2022. What’s’ more concerning is that organized criminal gangs have been targeting gun stores as opposed to the usual targets — clothing, jewelry, and pharmacy stores.

Recently, scores of gun store robberies have taken place in the Mid-Atlantic, which has frightened gun store owners, local law enforcement, state law enforcement, and federal agencies. These shops tend to be concentrated in the Washington-Baltimore metro area, a Democratic bastion through and through.. 

On April 30, two gun stores, one in Fairfax County, Virginia and additional one in Rockville, Maryland, were subject to robbery attempts by what some firearm industry experts believe were criminal organized gangs. 

One of the owners of Engage Armament in Rockville said to FOX 5 that he believes the suspects that tried robbing his store and Dominion Defense in Fairfax were members of the same criminal gang. 

The robbers weren’t able to rob the Engage Armament facility, but in Fairfax, they successfully stole 53 long rifles and handguns. 

“Our biggest concern is that these guns don’t get into the wrong hands. We try to do everything the right way – to do everything we can to keep them out of the wrong hands. Still, people have their rights, you know, to exercise their Second Amendment rights, but we do want to keep the guns out of the wrong hands,” said Engage Armament Co-owner Carlos Rabanales.

Back in November, the ATF revealed that there were at least five attempted and successful gun shop burglaries in Montgomery and Anne Arundel Counties of Maryland. The common thread here is the Democrat control of these jurisdictions. 

In such jurisdictions, there is little respect for the rule of law and there are strong gun control regulations present. These factors allow for criminals to run loose and prey on the law-abiding. If order is to be restored in these areas, America First nationalists must overthrow the Democratic establishment and start implementing stiff law and order policies. 

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