Thousands of Supposed Teenage Migrant Boys Housed in Dallas Convention Center

The federal government is moving forward with a plan to house three thousand illegal aliens in Dallas’ Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Hundreds of the migrants arrived at the facility on Friday, spurring concerns regarding safety and potential transmission of the coronavirus disease from locals.

Governor Greg Abbott is requesting permission from President Joe Biden for agents of the Texas Department of Public Safety to question the supposed underage migrants, after voicing his opposition to using the metropolitan convention center as a de facto amnesty facility. Texas DPS is conducting active investigations into human smuggling and transnational organized crime.

The Texas Department of Public Safety has been and will be apprehending unaccompanied minors who cross the border. And when they do, they will be seeking information about human traffickers as well as other crimes that may have occurred,” said Abbott in a statement regarding his request.

The White House responded Friday with a statement bashing Abbott’s concerns, blaming former President Donald Trump for the ongoing crisis at the border three months into his successor’s tenure on the presidential throne. It’s expected that the Dallas Convention Center- which is unequipped to serve as an immigration detention facility- will be used to house illegal immigrants for as long as three months.

The ages of migrants that are caught infiltrating the US southern border is difficult to discern, with cartels and human smugglers regularly telling illegal aliens to lie about their ages to be granted the legal privileges of minors. The US government uses dental tests that roughly indicate the ages of illegal aliens, but the practice isn’t an absolute science and often doesn’t conclusively identify migrants as minors or adults.

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