To acquire Jobs in Los Angeles County, Citizenship is no Longer Required

Towards the end of June, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to allow the county to do away with citizenship requirements for obtaining government jobs.
The motion was authored by Chair Hilda l. Solis, with County Board of Supervisors member Sheila Kuehl co-authoring said motion. This newly-passed motion gives the county the ability to hire non-citizens save for positions where having U.S. citizenship is mandated by state and federal law.
“Los Angeles County is a community of immigrants from each corner of the world,” declared Chair Hilda Solis in a statement. “And while our County-government workforce reflects the community it represents, there is room for improvement. This motion seeks to make clear that the County, as one of the largest employers in the region, strives to be an inclusive and diverse workforce, and is committed to not excluding nor allowing citizenship to be a barrier to employment.”
For example, the US citizenship requirement was kept for individuals applying for Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department jobs or any county-appointed positions for peace officers.
Alexa Mae Asperin of Fox News reported that “as of 2018, an estimated 880,000 non-citizens made LA County their home.”
“Barriers to employment based on cultural, racial, ethnic, or religious characteristics are contrary to our core values. Citizenship overlaps these demographic characteristics,” declared Los Angeles County Public Defender Ricardo García. “This motion, by Supervisors Solis and Kuehl, will promote equity in hiring and give the Public Defender’s Office access to the most qualified applicants for employment, irrespective of their citizenship status. An immigrant’s experience will advance our vision, mission, and values to protect our clients’ legal and human rights and enable us to more readily realize my goal that our employees fully represent the demographics of the population that we serve.”
What LA County is doing represents a gradual step towards allowing foreign nationals to assume control of basic local functions. In a time when American identity is being assaulted by the cultural Left, some of the most dedicated cultural radicals are making sure to consolidate their power by allowing their future, foreign constituencies to start taking power at the local level.
Such moves accelerate the “Great Replacement” by allowing foreigners to take government positions and use the power that comes with them to dispossess legacy Americans.
California is a lost cause at this point. However, it serves as a warning for the rest of the nation with regards to the dangers of mass migration and public policies that champion multiculturalism.
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