Tony Blinken Mauled in Virtual Testimony Over Afghanistan Debacle

Secretary of State Tony Blinken testified to the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Monday, appearing virtually and answering to lawmakers in a session that saw the Biden cabinet member savaged for incompetent procedures surrounding the collapse of Afghanistan’s puppet government to the Taliban.

Blinken’s decision to testify by video link was questioned by some, with the Secretary of State only a few blocks away from Congress at the time.

After President Biden delayed a plan set in place by President Donald Trump to withdraw the US military from the country in April, he moved them out last month, declining to recognize signals that the Afghan puppet government would immediately collapse in the face of the Taliban.

One point of contention in the hearings was the withdrawal of American forces from Bagram Airport before evacuation proceedings of hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers from Afghanistan. Members of Congress such as Joe Wilson pointed out that it’s very unlikely 13 US service members and many more Afghan citizens would’ve been killed in an ISIS suicide bombing if the Bagram site were secure, allowing evacuation operations to proceed in a far more orderly manner.

Blinken made the admission that of the approximately 111,000 Afghan citizens airlifted from the Kabul Airport, only 60,000 qualify for Special Immigrant Visa status, revealing that claims from establishment media that Kabul evacuees had served as translators for US service members were little more than a lie. Blinken indicated that 100 nominal US citizens remain in Afghanistan, nearly all of them dual citizens who have lived in the country their entire lives.

The US government announced that it would be sending $64 million in foreign aid to Afghanistan on the first day of Blinken’s testimony. Blinken is scheduled to testify before the Senate’s foreign services committee on Tuesday.

Republican congressmen in support of an endless military presence in Afghanistan urged Blinken to resign during the hearing.

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