Transgender High School Shooting Suspect Demands Court Accept Preferred Gender Pronoun

The alleged underage accomplice to Devon Erickson during a murderous high school rampage earlier this week has been revealed as Maya McKinney, a 16-year-old female who rejects her birth gender and goes by the alias ‘Alec.’
Lawyers for the teenage suspect demanded that they referred to Maya as ‘Alec’ during court proceedings and call the troubled transgender youth “he” as McKinney demands her mental illness be acknowledged by the courts.
McKinney’s apparent partner, Erickson, showed up in court with his hair dyed purple while wearing nail polish.
Kendrick Castillo, an 18-year-old student, was murdered in the hail of gunfire just three days before he was scheduled to graduate from high school. Eight students suffered gun shot wounds and remain hospitalized, with three individuals in critical condition.
Castillo was apart of a group of three heroic students who went to tackle the shooters as they entered a room to attempt their killing spree.
Student Nui Giasolli appeared on NBC’s Today Show to describe the horror of when Erickson allegedly entered her classroom.
“He walked to the other side of the classroom where we also had another door and he opened the door. He walked back as if he was going to go back to his seat, then he walked back to the door and he closed it. The next thing I know he’s pulling a gun and he’s telling nobody to move,” she said.
“To be some of the kids that were brave enough to bring him down so that all of us could escape and all of us could be reunited with our families. They were very heroic. I can’t thank them enough,” Giasolli added.
Although Castillo lost his life, he and others saved countless lives with their incredible displays of courage in the heat of the moment.
#Kendrickcastillo el jovencito que murió como un héroe, se enfrentó a los pistoleros de #STEMshooting en #HighlandsRanch buscando salvar la vida de sus compañeros .. Dios lo tenga en su gloria ????????????
— maria paula ochoa (@ochoamariapaula) May 8, 2019
“We’re going to hear about very heroic things that have taken place at the school,” Douglas County Sheriff Spurlock said.
Texts were released showing potential motives of these anti-Christian, pro-LGBT individuals accused of committing these gruesome acts.
‘Dad the school is on an unexpected lockdown. They’ve got sirens playing all in the school and the radios are going crazy,’ Eldon Elledge’s teenage son texted to his father as the rampage began.
‘Dad I love you, just in case,’ the young kid wrote fearing for his life.
The White House issued the following statement as a response to the terrifying events.
“Our prayers are with the victims, family members, and all those affected by today’s shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch in Littleton, Colorado,” the White House wrote.
“Tragically, this community and those surrounding it know all too well these hateful and horrible acts of violence. The White House has been in communication with state and local officials, and the President has been briefed and continues to monitor the ongoing situation. We offer our full support to local law enforcement and first responders and thank them for their heroism,” the statement continued.
With instances of liberal violence ramping up across the country at epidemic rates, no public space can be considered safe from the extreme left any longer.