Transgender U.S. Assistant Health Secretary is Recognized as a USA Today ‘Woman of the Year’

Rachel Levine, the transgender U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has been named one of the Women of the Year by the USA TODAY.

USA TODAY wrote up a nauseating op/ed celebrating this severely mentally-ill bureaucrat as if “she” is some kind of trailblazing hero.

“I really feel that everything I’ve ever done, whether it was in academic medicine, in education, in clinical research, seeing my patients in my role in public health, in Pennsylvania and now my role nationally,” Levine said, “has all led to this moment in terms of helping the nation through this greatest public health crisis that we have faced in over a hundred years.”

Levine was appointed to the post of admiral after joining the Biden administration, showing how the nation’s military has been subverted into an international joke.

“We need to be welcoming and celebratory for women of all aspects, of all sizes and shapes,” Levine said. “And we have to work towards that compassion for all women and not put such an emphasis on thinness and appearance. I think that we need to work as a culture in the United States, but also globally, to be more compassionate and more accepting of girls and women, no matter what their size and shape.”

Before Levine was given “her” unearned position of prominence within the Biden regime, Levine oversaw policies that put COVID-19 patients in nursing homes during the height of the pandemic, issuing cruel and lonely death sentences to the most vulnerable.

Big League Politics has reported on the murderous incompetence of Levine in “her” role as Pennsylvania health secretary:

Earlier last week, the Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Health revealed that her 95-year-old mother was moved from a nursing home facility into a hotel.

This came at a time when the state government was ordering these facilities to accept patients who tested positive with the Wuhan virus.

This policy was issued on March 18 and specified that retirement homes “must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable,” include residents who have caught the Wuhan virus. The policy was created to “alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care settings.”

The rule may have a played role in creating a significant death toll in the state’s elderly care institutions. The bulk of the deaths in the Keystone State took place in nursing homes, over 2,400 of the state’s approximately 4,000 deaths.

Even when Wuhan virus patients were being moved into state nursing homes, the state’s Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine, took her mother from one of those facilities and put her in a hotel instead.

Levine admitted this on May 12, 2020  while talking to Pennsylvania media, declaring that “she and her sister complied with their mother’s request to move from a personal care home to another location,” according to a report from the Allentown Morning Call report.

The admission does raise questions about state health officials being potentially aware of the devastating threat that the Wuhan virus presented to nursing homes even when they ordered said facilities to accept Wuhan virus patients.”

In a sane world, Levine would be confined to a sanitarium, not celebrated publicly as a female leader and put in charge of public health policy. America is slipping into full idiocracy and embracing immoral decadence that would put Sodom and Gomorrah to shame.

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