Travel Mask Mandate Infuriates Americans

Travel Mask Mandate Infuriates Americans-

Just yesterday I reported on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) extending its mask mandate on travel by 15 more days despite backlash and protests from airlines.

After the announcement, social media erupted with angry and frustrated Americans who saw the extension as nothing more than a last-ditch attempt to hold onto power and control by unelected bureaucrats.

According to the CDC, the extended mandate was done to examine the new most prevalent variant of the virus known as BA.2.

“In order to assess the potential impact the rise of cases has on severe disease, including hospitalizations and deaths, and health care system capacity, the CDC order will remain in place at this time,” the agency explained.

This is what conservative commentator John Cardillo had to say about the new May 3rd mask mandate extension on Twitter.

Travel Mask Mandate Infuriates Americans-

“Airline mask mandate extensions are nothing more than the last punitive gasps of a dying tyrannical movement,” Cardillo’s post read.

Podcast host Allie Beth Stucky posted a video on Instagram to highlight the parallels between this CDC extension and the “two weeks to slow the spread” narrative we were all told 2 years ago.

“We were told two weeks to slow the spread would save lives. It didn’t,” Stucky said in her post. “And we’re being told that a travel mask mandate will also save lives. But it won’t,” she continued.

Buck Sexton also weighed in on the extension, calling it “lunacy,” adding, “The share of Covid that is spread on planes is statistically 0. This is all about political appearances and control. Libs are so pathetic.”

Sexton also noted in another tweet, “The CDC is the best example yet that nothing is too oppressive, stupid, or pointless for bureaucrats to ram down your throat.”

All this social media outrage is not unfounded. Nor is it strictly a conservative response.

According to an Axios poll, most Americans see the virus as a “manageable” problem. “Here’s another way to look at the overall numbers,” Axios wrote. “About twice as large a share of Americans said COVID-19 is ‘not a problem at all’ (17%) than said it is ‘a serious crisis’ (9%).”

“The latest wave of our national survey actually found a slight uptick in people’s perceptions of the risks of certain activities, including flying, attending sports events and returning to work. Yet it shows the highest share of Americans visiting friends and family members outside the home — and the lowest rate of social distancing — since the early part of last summer,” the website added.

As Newsweek Opinion Editor Josh Hammer said, “‘Never let a good crisis go to waste.” It’s safe to say the CDC are doing all that they can, despite backlash and protests, to keep this whole narrative afloat.

This extension is a perfect example of that.


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