Trump Enjoys Significant Lead As Iowa Caucus Draws Closer
According to a poll by NBC News, the Des Moines Register and Mediacom, Donald Trump enjoys the support of 51% of Republican voters ahead of the Iowa Caucus slated for January 15, 2024.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trails Trump at 19%, with former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley behind at 16%. Vocal Indian American entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy enjoyed the support from just 5% of voters and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had a measly 4% of support from voters.
Make no mistake about it, Trump is going to mop up the Iowa Caucuses and the subsequent primaries. Conservatism Inc needs to come to grip with this reality. Trump’s staunch America First nationalist message that consists of immigration patriotism, economic nationalism, and foreign policy realism has captured the hearts and minds of Republican voters nationwide.
It’s a clean break from the GOP’s neoconservative policies of yore – mass migration and never-ending wars. Hopefully, Trump can get more allies in Congress once he takes back the presidency. He will need all the help he can get so that he can enact his America First agenda.