Trump Supporter Considers Suing for Damages After Frivolous COVID-Related Bioterror Case is Dismissed
A prominent Trump supporter has had bioterrorism charges dropped after an alleged political enemy attempted to have him thrown in prison for life for “forcefully” licking a ballot envelope at a polling location on election day.
Keego Harbor, Mich. resident Peter Trzos, who was the alleged perpetrator of this COVID-19 bioterror envelope-licking attack, has had all of his charges dropped, his attorney Nicholas Somberg confirmed to Big League Politics.
Right now, Trzos is considering suing city clerk Tammy Neeb, who made allegations against him that he believes are politically motivated and blatantly false. Trzos is weighing the option of holding Neeb liable for what he feels was a dangerous and baseless attack against his constitutionally-protected rights.
Trzos’ history of being a Trump supporter as well as a political activist against corruption against the city, collecting signatures to put various citizens’ referendums on the local ballot in recent years, has made him a target of his hometown swamp. Local law enforcement wanted to make an example out of Trzos to show what happens to individuals who challenge their authority.
“This was not an act of political defiance, such as not wearing a mask in a public place in violation of health department rules, but it was an overt act, that fit the current criminal code definition as determined by the Prosecutor’s Office, that was specifically directed at an individual with intent to make them believe they are being exposed to a harmful biological substance,” Keego Harbor Police Chief John Fitzgerald said about Trzos’ now-dropped charges, making clear his opposition to the Bill of Rights.
“It has the semblance of shouting “Fire” in a crowded theater only in this case it was threatening COVID exposure in a crowded polling place during a pandemic. Additionally, according to the City Clerk, the subjects absentee ballot was processed and voted as required, though poll workers used extra PPE and precautions while handling it,” he added.
However, these overreaching bureaucrats were not able to destroy Trzos, who has been emboldened by this situation to push back even harder against local government tyranny.
Big League Politics has reported about Trzos’ case since the charges were levied against him shortly after last year’s elections:
A former Republican state representative candidate is being hit with bioterrorism charges for licking a ballot envelope at a voting precinct on election day.
According to a police report obtained by Big League Politics, Keego Harbor, Mich. resident Peter Trzos is receiving felony charges for allegedly exposing an individual to a harmful substance after he was told to lick his absentee ballot at a precinct on election day.
Trzos made a remark about COVID-19 exposure after being compelled to lick the ballot, expressing in jest that licking the ballot might be an exposure risk. This resulted in a poll worker reporting him to authorities which has resulted in bioterrorism charges.
The complaint was filed by Tammy Neeb, the City Clerk and the Acting City Manager of Keego Harbor. Trzos has been an activist in the city for years, lobbying for term limits and other common-sense reforms, and this may be political retaliation for his civic activity.
The police report claims that Trzos “had a very abrasive ‘demanding’ attitude” before he “kept trying to hand her a ‘licked’ unsealed ballot” band then he placed the ballot in the Clerk’s hand. Neeb was reportedly so fragile and triggered that she told “her husband to stay at their secondary home up north as precaution” from Trzos after he complied with her request to lick the ballot.
A female poll worker named Dale Waldon offered her testimony describing the incident that happened.
“I observed Peter Trzos walk in holding a mail-in ballot. I watched him physically “lick” the ballot and attempt to hand it to our city clerk. She told him it was only half sealed. He then re-licked it and forcefully placed it in her hands, and then stated ‘COVID’ as he handed it to her,” Waldon wrote.
While this situation may have ended favorably, Trump supporters will continue to be targeted by left-wing snitches and commissars who want to inflict Soviet-style justice on their political opponents. Welcome to Biden’s America.