Trump tells FBI cadets he wants death penalty for cop killers

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President Donald J. Trump delivered an address at the FBI National Academy graduation on Friday during which he advocated for harsh punishment of those who commit violence against law enforcement officials.

“We believe criminals who kill police officers should get the death penalty,” Trump said.

The comment garnered a round of applause from the graduating cadets in the audience.

“I want to send a message today to those who threaten violence against our police. We will protect those who protect us,” he said.

Trump roundly criticized the anti-police sentiment that has swept over the country as wrong and dangerous, saying that he will not stand for it.

“Instead of holding up our police as the mentors and role models that they are, they have been subjected to malicious attacks on their character and integrity,” he said.

He went on to describe police departments as overstretched, underfunded, and totally under-appreciated by everyone. He expressed his gratitude to the new officers multiple times throughout his speech.

Trump even sent the cadets back to their local precincts with a message for their new colleagues.

“The president of the United States has your back, 100 percent,” he said.

He also expressed his gratitude to the families of law enforcement officers.

“You make tremendous sacrifices, and American families can sleep soundly at night because of the burden you carry for all of us,” he said.


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