Trump’s Inner Circle Launches ‘Election Integrity Alliance’ to Prevent Voter Fraud

Trump attorney Jenna Ellis and a group of allies are launching the Election Integrity Alliance to stop voter fraud similar to what occurred during the 2020 presidential election.

“The Election Integrity Alliance will unite groups and efforts across the nation focused on combating election fraud and will build solutions and provide resources to state legislators and the public on challenges to free and fair elections,” Ellis said to Just The News.

The Election Integrity Alliance will work as a subsidiary of the American Greatness Fund. The organization is going to feature a scorecard and is building a coalition of different like-minded activists and groups across the country.

“Free and fair elections are the foundation of a civil government that has power only by consent of the governed. In our system, We The People select and prefer individuals from among ourselves to govern us at all levels, and no individual or party has the right by conquest, heritage, corruption, or fraud to assume power,” the Election Integrity Alliance states on their website.

“Only through election integrity can our American government operate according to its limited and legitimate role in civil society. America is built on the recognition that our individual rights are God-given and pre-political. The only legitimate purpose of civil government is to preserve and protect those rights which are essential to liberty and justice for all,” the organization continues.

“Election integrity is a hallmark of freedom and should be a non-partisan, wholly American value. The Election Integrity Alliance’s mission is to support Congress, the state legislatures, and the voters and together, continue building a more perfect Union,” the website adds.

Ellis is joined by Texas attorney general Ken Paxton, former Trump adviser Peter Navarro, former Trump deputy assistant Sebastian Gorka, former New York City police commissioner Bernie Kerik, constitutional lawyer Michael Donnelly, and former Trump legal team special assistant Mirna Tarraf on this project.

Big League Politics has reported on how bipartisan election officials have rejected transparency after last year’s vote:

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is inviting Dominion Voting Systems to do a victory lap for their performance during the 2020 presidential election.

“Georgia ran a historically secure, effective, and reliable election last year, and Dominion Voting Systems was a key part of that,” said Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who chairs the Georgia State Election Board that is inviting Dominion. 

“I look forward to speaking with Dominion during the State Election Board meeting and clearing up any remaining questions that voters might have from November. We are looking forward to once again putting nonsensical rumors, like voting machines switching votes, to rest,” he added.

Dominion representatives will join Raffensperger to do a public relations briefing before Georgians to tell them everything is just fine, there is no need for reform, and computerized voting systems can be trusted…

It is clear that Raffensperger, along with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, is tied in deep with many nefarious interests. This must be why Kemp invites China to come over and dominate his people. China will have full dominion over the U.S. before long with RINOs like Kemp and Raffensperger in charge.”

The extent of the corruption in U.S. elections has shocked millions of Americans. The Election Integrity Fund will either be successful in implementing common sense reforms, or democracy will never recover.

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