Trump’s Pastor: We Must Defeat the ‘Demonic Networks’ Aligned Against the President in 2020
Paula White, a Florida preacher who is considered the personal pastor of President Donald Trump, helped to launch Trump’s presidential re-election campaign by calling out the “demonic networks” that have aligned to stop him.
“Let every demonic network that has aligned itself against the purpose, against the calling of President Trump, let it be broken, let it be torn down in the name of Jesus,” White said, according to a report by The Hill.
“I declare that President Trump will overcome every strategy from hell and every strategy from the enemy,” she added.
White was not shy to mention Jesus Christ as the reason Trump is in office, as evangelical Christians were instrumental in engineering his victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016. She makes note that the campaign remains devoted to a higher purpose as the Trump administration continues to lead the economic and spiritual revival of America.
“I secure his calling, I secure his purpose, I secure his family, and we secure victory in the name which is above every name … the name of Jesus Christ,” she said to finish her prayer.
White, who has worked as senior pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, FL, has been in Trump’s corner since before he made the decision to run for President. She has frequently vouched for the spiritual nature of Trump as he has been criticized by Democrats and even doubters in his own party about the sincerity of his Christian beliefs.
“A lot of evangelicals have grown accustomed to feeling used by the political process,” White told The Washington Times. “Every politician appeals to us, every one wants to hear us out during the campaign, but then things change once they get into office.”
“He genuinely listened to us, and he genuinely cared,” she said. “He wasn’t asking for an endorsement or a contribution. He was looking to hear the heartbeat of the faith community.”
Trump has delivered for the evangelical community since getting into the oval office by appointing two Christian conservative Supreme Court justices, slashing funding to Planned Parenthood, signing an executive order against the Johnson Amendment, and reaffirming the right for Christians to refuse to conduct health care services against their beliefs such as abortions.
White notes that Trump is one of the few politicians that hasn’t merely paid lip service to the evangelical community to obtain political power. Trump has delivered in many ways on the promises he made on the campaign trail.
“He has always been concerned that the voice of people of faith be heard,” White said. “He campaigned on it, and then he acted on it.”
“He holds his faith close to his chest and is not as open about it as some people,” she said.
White will keep Jesus Christ’s name and example as a fundamental apart of the 2020 re-election campaign, as conservative prayer warriors across the country appeal to Him to keep Trump in office and ensure that the soulless, anti-American Democrats stay out of power.