Tucker Carlson Ponders a Virginia Boogaloo Against 2A Assault: ‘Is There Going to be Some Pushback?’
Fox News host Tucker Carlson warned of the tyranny of Virginia Democrats on the Wednesday edition of his eponymous primetime show, claiming that the liberals who run the state “hate gun owners” and want them to suffer.
“In the name of public safety, Virginia Democrats newly ascendant are trying to erase the 2nd Amendment in the Commonwealth of Virginia,” Carlson explained. “They don’t just want to make you less free. They want to destroy things simply because you enjoy them and because they might make you safer and more self-reliant.”
Carlson is referring to House Bill 567, which has been introduced by spiteful Virginia Democrats just to thumb their noses at their foes in the National Rifle Association.
The proposed legislation reads as follows:
“It is unlawful to operate an indoor shooting range in any building not owned or leased by the Commonwealth or the federal government unless (i) fewer than 50 employees work in the building or (ii) (a) at least 90 percent of the users of the indoor shooting range are law-enforcement officers, as defined in § 9.1-101, or federal law-enforcement officers, (b) the indoor shooting range maintains a log of each user’s name, phone number, address, and the law-enforcement agency where such user is employed, and (c) the indoor shooting range verifies each user’s identity and address by requiring all users to present a government-issued photo-identification card.”
“Taking away ranges won’t stop shootings, of course. There is no evidence of that at all. It will make nobody safer, just the opposite in fact. The purpose is simple: They want to take away gun ranges because gun owners like them and they hate gun owners,” Carlson explained.
Carlson interviewed Larry Keene of the National Shooting Sports Foundation about the legislation and other unconstitutional infringements that are being pushed by Virginia Democrats under the leadership of Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam.
“Clearly, it’s punitive. Clearly, they’re trying to disarm the population for whatever dark motive they might have, but what are they saying they are trying to achieve with this?” Carlson asked Keene.
“Well, he’s admitted, the delegate who introduced this bill, that it’s aimed at trying to shut down the NRA’s indoor range at their facility in Fairfax,” Keene answered. “He claims it’s to prevent workplace violence although I don’t understand how he arrives at that conclusion. It’s really to shut down the 2nd Amendment in Virginia by saying you can’t have an indoor range, and its going to cause harm to business in Virginia.”
Keene explained that other ranges besides the NRA’s indoor range will be impacted by the legislation and forced to shut down. He mentioned that businesses that violated the terms under this bill would be fined a stunning $100,000 for a single violation if it is signed into law.
Carlson finished with a question indicating that he may believe it is time to draw a line in the sand and do what it takes to resist these left-wing tyrants at war with the Constitution.
“Are people going to go along with this and just sit back and let a constitutional right evaporate, or is there going to be some pushback?” Carlson asked.
Tucker Carlson Calling Out Virginia Democrats Seeking to Shut Down the 2A
"Are people going to go along with this and just sit back and let a constitutional right evaporate, or is there going to be some pushback?" pic.twitter.com/DeHBHDl0Zi
— The Columbia Bugle ???????? (@ColumbiaBugle) January 16, 2020
Keene said to Carlson that a large-scale resistance movement has already formed, describing the prevalence of 2nd Amendment sanctuary jurisdictions that have sprung up through the grassroots. We have covered that movement extensively at Big League Politics.
“There is a big rally coming up on January 20th in Richmond that will probably be the most well-attended event that has ever taken place where people are going to come to stand up and support their 2nd Amendment rights and make sure the legislature understands that they’re not going to stand by and let their rights be stripped from them,” Keene said.
“There’s no reason to be passive in a democracy,” Carlson concluded.
However, Governor Blackface has declared a state of emergency based on nonexistent terror threats from gun owners, and he has effectively revoked the 2nd Amendment in the state capitol by decree on the day of the rally. Civil unrest, or the boogaloo as it is now popularly referred to by activists, may be right around the corner as the “pushback” Carlson asked for may be coming very soon against gun-grabbing Virginia tyrants.