Tucker Carlson Surpasses Joe Rogan, Becomes Top Podcast on Spotify

Commentator Tucker Carlson has demonstrated that he does not need Fox News to be relevant, as he has overtaken Joe Rogan as the top podcast on the Spotify network.

According to Mediate, Rogan had an incredible 14.5 million followers on Spotify as of March 2024. When Carlson was on Fox News, he averaged 3.3 million viewers per night. This suggests that Fox News’ cancellation has been the best thing that could have ever happened to Carlson in terms of relevance.

Carlson’s most recent interview on his podcast was with former Trump administration official Ben Carson. Carson talked about the bizarre and Soviet-esque media coverage of Kamala Harris, attempting to rewrite reality and reinvent her as a political sensation to the American people.

“Trump was getting more support from African Americans in any Republican since Nixon, I think. Maybe even more than Nixon. Does Kamala Harris change that?” Carlson asked Carson.

“There is no question that there will be some people who will vote for her just because of the demographics that she represents. Yeah. Physically, but I’m not sure it’s going to be as great as they think,” Carson responded.

“You know, when she was running for president, she didn’t get a large amount of black support,” he continued. “And I know the media is going to do everything to make her seem like Martin Luther King in a different body. But I think people maybe are not going to be as easy to manipulate as that.”

“I think, Trump will continue to attract a lot of people in the black community because his policies recognize that a rising tide lifts all boats. And, you know, I don’t think black people are particularly interested in having an advantage over everybody else. They just want a level playing field, something that works for everybody. And I think that’s one of the reasons that Trump is attracting so much attention,” Carson said.

Other noteworthy recent guests on Carlson’s podcast have included Infowars founder and conspiracy icon Alex Jones.

“Now there’s been a paradigm shattering, and I’m almost obsolete, Tucker,” Jones said during the interview. “As soon as I see a couple hundred more prominent people who actually know what’s going on, when we’re already reached chain-reaction point, I’m going to hang it up and disappear like Obi-Wan Kenobi.”

“The more they throw against me, the more support I get, and it’s really become a historic battle,” he added. “If I’m completely banned and defanged and shut down and can’t operate, only then would I try to evacuate somewhere to try to keep my show on the air. But… once they disrupt and shut down something, it’s very hard to restart it.”

It is clear that Carlson’s podcast has become a must watch for any individual who wants to understand current events. It also shows how the power of massive media entities like Fox News are waning in the rising digital landscape.

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