Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out Corrupt Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecution

At least one Democrat is recognizing the homicide prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse as a fraud. Former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard called out Thomas Binger for orchestrating a legal charade against the Illinois youth, accusing him of failing to do his due diligence before the case. Gabbard spoke in a video released Wednesday.

The prosecutor in this Rittenhouse trial obviously did not do his due diligence before deciding to prosecute. This tragedy never would’ve happened if the government had simply carried out its responsibility to protect the safety, lives and property of innocent people.

Binger is an assistant DA for Kenosha, with the elected prosecutor unwilling to subject themselves to the embarrassment of prosecuting Rittenhouse on false, political grounds.

Gabbard also pointed to the city of Kenosha and Wisconsin state authorities for failing to prevent the violent ANTIFA riots that led to the self-defense shootings. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers had refused to call in the Wisconsin National Guard as far-left thugs ran amok in Kenosha, with police proving unwilling to provide law enforcement.

The national media and Democrats have increasingly lied or ignored about the Rittenhouse trial, refusing to cover the hard evidence and facts of the case. Ignorance about the proceedings may lead to a renewed round of Kenosha riots, spurred by denizens of ANTIFA and BLM falsely led by corporate news propaganda to believe that Rittenhouse is a homicidal maniac.

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