Twitter Allows Unhinged Liberals to Spread Fake News and Conspiracy Theories about Postal Service

The social media giant Twitter is refusing to take down fake news and conspiracy theories about the U.S. Postal System (USPS), presumably because the frenzied chatter may hurt President Donald Trump’s push for electoral integrity.
After President Trump pointed out that the USPS lacks the competence and resources to handle millions of mail-in ballots, liberals went frantic posting baseless conspiracy theories on Twitter about how Trump is at war with the postal service.
Some of the ridiculous and hysterical posts can be seen here:
Photo taken in Wisconsin. This is happening right before our eyes. They are sabotaging USPS to sabotage vote by mail. This is massive voter suppression and part of their plan to steal the election.
— Thomas Kennedy (@tomaskenn) August 15, 2020
Even Democrat Party operatives are pushing blatant disinformation to further radicalize their deluded and detached constituents before November’s election.
What possible cost-cutting measure does removing existing mailboxes and mail sorters support? None, of course.
Trump admitted that he is using his crony postmaster general to try to steal the election by suppressing votes.
This is the most anti-democratic thing he has done.
— Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) August 15, 2020
Twitter users who haven’t completely lost their marbles were able to successfully debunk the newest hysteria by using logic and common sense.
Here is where people can mail their letters at the Burbank P.O.. They lock the other side and the lobby is locked when the Post Office is closed. It’s very dangerous to post misinformation. It panics people, especially during this scary era.
— haunted dog (@zandywithaz) August 17, 2020
OK so everyone has seen the "viral" photo going around of the piles of mailboxes in Wisconsin being used as evidence that Trump is sabotaging USPS. Problem is, they have been there for years: Hartford Finishing Inc. powder coats and refurbishes the old mailboxes. (1/8)
— Gary He (@garyhe) August 17, 2020
To find this location on Google, you have to search for "Hartford Finishing". It's a side road, not like you can spot the mailboxes from a highway. The sign for the business is 20 feet away from the mailboxes. To omit all this from the caption is journalistic malpractice. (4/8)
— Gary He (@garyhe) August 17, 2020
A spokesman for Twitter confirmed to National Review that the posts will stay up on the platform despite being proven to be false. They are keeping the misinformation up despite having fact checked President Donald Trump’s tweets regarding mail-in voting back in May.
Big League Politics has reported on the hardcore leftists who carry out Twitter’s censorship campaign against conservative free speech:
President Donald Trump is crying foul after Twitter labeled two of his tweets about voter fraud with fact checks redirecting to biased establishment sources…
Trump’s anger seems to be justified based on the political beliefs of Twitter’s Chief Integrity Officer, who has a public history of making deranged anti-Republican comments.
Yoel Roth, who is tasked with fact checking on behalf of the Silicon Valley monopolist, has stated his belief that there are “actual Nazis” in President Trump’s White House, a claim created out of whole cloth with no basis in reality. That is only one of many offensive, anti-Republican comments that this left-wing extremist has made on his Twitter account.
“How does a personality-free bag of farts like Mitch McConnell actually win elections?” Roth asked in a Twitter post from July 2017.
“I’m just saying, we fly over those states that voted for a racist tangerine for a reason,” wrote Roth in a Nov. 2016 tweet showing his hatred for conservative Americans.
“’Today on Meet the Press, we’re speaking with Joseph Goebbels about the first 100 days…’ – What I hear whenever Kellyanne is on a news show,” Roth wrote in Jan. 2017, comparing White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway to a Nazi spin doctor.
Big Tech is pulling out all of the stops to get President Trump out of the White House in November, but they are rapidly hemorrhaging credibility with each lie and double standard they attempt to perpetrate on the masses.