Twitter Censors Explosive Trailer for New Documentary Exposing the Criminality of Russia-gate

The social media giant Twitter is censoring the trailer from an explosive new documentary titled, “The Plot Against the President,” which exposes the Russia-gate scam and its perpetrators in the Democrat Party and the deep state.
The upcoming documentary features commentary from Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Tom Fitton, Mike Cernovich, Raheem Kassam, John Solomon, Corey Lewandowski, Rudy Giuliani, and many others. The trailer debuted to widespread acclaim earlier this week, and the information contained in the documentary could shift opinions before November’s general election.
So, it should come as no surprise that Twitter is censoring the documentary trailer with a warning: “This Tweet may include sensitive content.”
The Columbia Bugle reported about the censorship in a Twitter post:
Twitter Censoring Trailer For New Pro-Trump Russiagate Documentary: The Plot Against The President
— The Columbia Bugle ???????? (@ColumbiaBugle) August 19, 2020
The entire documentary trailer can be seen here:
Big League Politics has been reporting on Russia-gate for years, connecting the dots up the chain of command all the way to former President Barack H. Obama:
Following the announcement that the ongoing inquiry into the origins of the Russian collusion probe has turned into a criminal investigation, the fake news has been scurrying to discredit Attorney General Bill Barr and Connecticut U.S Attorney John Durham, the men who are leading this historic effort for accountability within the federal government.
However, the criminal investigation is underway and at least one top Obama-era official has admitted that the conspiracy goes all the way to the top. Former President Barack Obama very well may be implicated in these proceedings before it is all said and done.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted on CNN that Obama called for the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) that was arranged by former FBI agent Peter Strzok in Jan. 2017 shortly before President Trump took office. This is what kicked off the entire farce that has been a stain on US democracy and political discourse for nearly three years now…
Clapper reiterated the point earlier this month on CNN when he commented that he and other deep state villains were just following orders from Obama when they worked to railroad President Trump.
The shoe may be ready to drop, as years of deep state corruption is coming back to bite veteran intelligence industry spooks. Clapper – along with his pals former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director James Comey, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, and many others – should be lawyering up right about now.
Big Tech can only hold back the truth about the illegal spying of Trump’s campaign for so long. If the bombshell information hits the public before election time, it will not be good for the Democrats.