Twitter Hires Army of FBI Agents to Conduct Big Brother Surveillance

Twitter is hiring an army of intelligence community spooks, many of whom worked for the FBI, as they move forward with their plans to conduct ubiquitous Big Brother censorship on its platform.
Mint Press News discovered from data on the professional networking site LinkedIn that individuals such as Jeff Carlton, Mark Jaroszewski, Douglas Turner, Dawn Burton, Karen Walsh, Jim Baker moved from prominent roles within the deep state to important jobs within Twitter in recent years. Other individuals who refused to give their real names, such as Cherrelle Y., Laura D., Bruce A., Patrick G., and Matthew W., also made the move from the intelligence community to Twitter.
FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley, who was named 2002 Time Person of the Year for exposing how the feds ignored evidence of the Sept. 11 attacks ahead of time, said that news of collusion between Big Tech and the deep state ought to surprise nobody.
“Retired agents often maintained good relationships and networks with current agents. So they can call up their old buddy and find out stuff… There were certainly instances of retired agents for example trying to find out if there was an investigation of so and so. And if you are working for a company, that company is going to like that influence,” Rowley told Mint Press News.
t. “These [tech] companies are using the mythical aura of the FBI. They can point to somebody and say ‘oh, you can trust us; our CEO or CFO is FBI,’” she added.
Big League Politics has reported on how Twitter is conducting its censorship policies to influence the midterm elections in a manner that helps the federal regime:
“Twitter is already gearing up to intervene against “misleading narratives” they anticipate are coming ahead of the US 2022 midterm elections.
In a new announcement released on Thursday titled “Our approach to the 2022 US midterms,” the big giant explained that it aims “to enable healthy civic conversation on Twitter, while ensuring people have the context they need to make informed decisions.”