Twitter Removes Michelle Malkin Anti-Censorship Video From Platform Immediately After Trump Retweet

President Donald Trump re-tweeted a video from right-wing pundit Michelle Malkin on Saturday morning, and the video was immediately censored and removed by Twitter to prevent the anti-censorship message from going viral.

Malkin called out Twitter as a result of their blatant censorship campaign:

The clip was from Malkin’s appearance at the America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC), which was held concurrently with the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in February.

Malkin has been blacklisted from Conservative Inc. groups such as CPAC for speaking out on issues like immigration and demographics that corporate-bought “conservatives” would rather sweep under the rug.

“And I have to say that these days I’m not merely worried about my ability to do that and my fellow patriots to be able to do that,” Malkin said, referring to being able to freely communicate on social media platforms.

“I’m terrified. I’ve witnessed friends and allies stripped of their platforms and their reputations and their voices. Some can no longer communicate on social media. When I planted my little flag in the social media world on the internet almost 20 years ago, I never thought that I’d have to wake up one day and wonder if my entire website was going to be unplugged because of an opinion I expressed,” she added.

The Twitter user @af_clips has re-posted the video of Malkin’s speech after Twitter egregiously censored the post:

Pro-censorship commissars from the Left and the Right are already whining that Trump retweeted Malkin, who has been unpersoned by polite society for her unabashed right-wing beliefs.

Big League Politics has reported on the conspiracy to silence Malkin due to her unwillingness to toe the line for Official Conservatism™:

Conservative trailblazer has been feeling the heat after giving a talk at the America First PAC conference that ran parallel to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C on Friday, February 28, 2020.

Soon accusations of anti-Semitism and white supremacy were hurled at the Filipino American woman simply for advocating immigration restriction and questioning America’s relationship with Israel.

Gatekeeping conservatives were quick to throw Malkin under the bus.

Bethany Mandel, editor of the conservative website Ricochet, penned an article titled “The Fall of Michelle Malkin”, which questioned Malkin’s recent controversial statements on immigration and why U.S. taxpayers subsidize Israel to the tune of billions.

After Mandel posted this piece on Twitter, Antonia Okafor, the Director of Outreach for Gun Owners of America, responded to Mandel’s tweet.

Okafor Tweeted, “Ha! It took this article for me to realize she blocked me. Glad I stopped a Republican group here in Colorado from almost hiring her to speak. We have nothing to stand on if we can not stand for the Truth. They have the freedom to speak but not to identify as Republicans.”

Malkin quote tweeted Okafor, stating “This woman, whose #2a work I praised, reveals that she stopped a Republican group from inviting me to speak in my adopted state of Colorado. Nice work, Keeper is the Gate. If you think you pounded the final nail in my coffin, you have a lot to learn, hon.”

Okafor has done impressive work with the organization she founded EmPOWERed, which is now a project of Gun Owners of America. This organization is dedicated to teaching women about how to properly exercise their Second Amendment rights.

However, this decision to keep Malkin from speaking is another example of conservative gatekeeping.

As controversial as Malkin’s ideas may be, they should still be engaged with.

Especially when considering how interconnected immigration is with Second Amendment policy.

The boost of Malkin’s message from the President has left many faux-conservatives with egg on their face, and Twitter’s immediate censorship of her message has only proven her point further.

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