Two Illegal Aliens Arrested for Gang Rape in Tennessee

Two illegal aliens living in Tennessee have been arrested for gang rape, allegedly occurring last week.
“Police arrested two men after rape warrants were issued,” said KFVS. “They admitted they were in the country illegally, according to police. Javier Nava Hernandez, 20, of Tiptonville, Tenn. and Jose Luis Rubio-Servin, 26, of Dyersburg, Tenn. were issued warrants following interviews by detectives.”
The report said that the arrests followed a Jan. 14 emergency room visit in which the sexual assault victim sought treatment.
“The woman told police she had been raped at an apartment in Dyersburg where a suspect lived,” according to the report. “The woman said she knew the two men.”
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been notified about the arrests of the two men.
The arrests come in the midst of a federal government stalemate on the issue of border security. President Donald J. Trump is demanding $5.8 billion in funding for a border wall while Democrats refuse to play ball. Trump offered the left extended DACA protections in exchange for the funding, a deal which would have re-opened the federal government. The offer was swiftly rejected by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
Democrats appear set on allowing crime that is 100 percent preventable to continue unfettered.
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