TYRANNY: Yellow Vest UK Leader Arrested During Peaceful Protest

The leader of the Yellow Vest protest movement in the United Kingdom was arrested Saturday after a peaceful protest against an anti-Brexit Member of Parliament (MP).
“The Metropolitan Police has confirmed the man was arrested on suspicion of offences that allegedly took place on Monday 7 January,” said Sky News.
James Goddard, 30, is the leader of the Yellow Vest movement in Britain. The movement, which began in France and continues this weekend, has swept across Europe. It represents a populist uprising against the globalist powers that be in the European establishment.
Former Breitbart London editor Raheem Kassam posted about Goddard’s arrest on his Facebook. Kassam said:
Today, the UK proved it has well and truly transformed into being a police state operated only in the interest of the elite. The #YellowVestUK organiser James Goddard was arrested earlier for protesting at a Member of Parliament.
Just wrap your head around that for a second. Ordinary people go to Westminster to protest against MPs who are threatening to stop Brexit (specifically @Anna_Soubry) and end up being arrested. And no, they weren’t “threatening” nor “violent”.
The @metpoliceuk are being used by politicians from the Remain side (@Anna_Soubry and @SadiqKhan etc) to try and intimidate and quell any uprising by ordinary British people. If anything this is just going to make things worse. Our Boston Massacre moment.
By the UK’s standards, citizen journalists like @JamesOKeefeIII, Laura Loomer, and even Michael Moore would be behind bars. This transcends left and right politics. This is about basic freedoms, of which Britons currently have very few.
Anti establishment types will soon be seeking asylum outside the UK for fear of political persecution such as this. I am told the U.S. govt is already aware of James Goddard’s case.
Anna Soubry, the member of parliament who had Goddard arrested, was upset that he was protesting her in public. A video of the “incident” shows Goddard speaking with Soubry as she walked toward the Parliament building.
“Apparently MPs & politicians are meant to accept it as part of the democratic process,” Soubry reportedly said on Twitter.
Yes, Ms. Soubry. MPs and politicians are meant to listen to their constituents as part of the Democratic process. That is the entire job. You were elected to govern, not rule.
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