UK: Boris Johnson Promises An End To Covid-19 Restrictions Next Week

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Wednesday that key COVID-19 restrictions in the United Kingdom will be dropped as early as next week.
“This morning, the Cabinet concluded that because of the extraordinary booster campaign, together with the way the public has responded to the Plan B measures, we can return to Plan A in England and allow Plan B regulations to expire,” Johnson said. “From the start of Thursday next week, mandatory certification will end.”
“From now on, the government is no longer asking people to work from home … And having looked at the data carefully, the Cabinet concluded that once regulations lapse, the government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere,” Johnson said, prompting cheers from the crowd of politicians.
“As COVID becomes endemic, we will need to replace legal requirements with guidance urging people with the virus to be careful and considerate of others,” the prime minister continued. “We will trust the judgment of the British people.”
British Health Secretary Sajid Javid weighed in on the news at a Downing Street press conference: “This is a moment we can all be proud of.”
“It’s a reminder of what this country can accomplish when we all work together.”
BBC News reported the following list of agenda intended to take place in the United Kingdom beginning next week:
– Mandatory Covid passports for entering nightclubs and large events would end, though organisations could choose to use the NHS Covid pass if they wished
– People would no longer be advised to work from home and should discuss their return to offices with employers
– Face masks will no longer be mandated, though people are still advised to wear coverings in enclosed or crowded spaces and when meeting strangers
-From Thursday, secondary school pupils will no longer have to wear face masks in classrooms and government guidance on their use in communal areas would be removed “shortly”
It was also reported that further announcements from the prime minister on the easing of travel rules and restrictions on care home visits in England are expected in the coming days.
The people of the United Kingdom continue to be highly inoculated for Covid-19, with BBC reporting that nearly 37 million boosters (additional third shots) have been administered within the population thus far.
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