Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Aide Admits Leader is ‘Deluded’ and War with Russia is Unwinnable

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is being called a “deluded” leader by those in his inner circle who now admit that the war against Russia cannot be won.

One of his Zelensky’s top aides told Time Magazine that he “does not intend to give up fighting or to sue for any kind of peace” because of his immense delusion. The madman will send countless more of his people to die as a result of his psychosis.

“On the contrary, his belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia has hardened into a form that worries some of his advisers. It is immovable, verging on the messianic,” the aide said.

“We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that,” the aide added.

Even though it is obvious Russia will win the war and Ukraine is out of options, Zelensky still talks to the media as if victory is tenable.

“For us it would mean leaving this wound open for future generations,” Zelensky said to Time. “Maybe it will calm some people down inside our country, and outside, at least those who want to wrap things up at any price. But for me, that’s a problem, because we are left with this explosive force. We only delay its detonation.”

Big League Politics has reported on the public becoming less interested in Zelensky’s cause due to hostilities between Israel and Hamas:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is getting the cold shoulder from Israel as the Jewish nation has rebuked the globalist play-actor’s request for a meeting.

After the recent attack against Israel by Hamas extremists, Zelensky is increasingly desperate to stay relevant. With the public having a shiny new war to play with, the cause of Ukrainian independence has largely fallen by the wayside. Zelensky requested a meeting with Israeli leaders hoping to co-opt some attention and regain his lost luster, but the Israelis saw through his self-serving gesture and shut him down.

Zelensky reportedly hoped to accompany U.S. State Secretary Antony Blinken when he traveled to Israel on Sunday, but Israeli leaders told Zelensky that the “time is not right.” The Israelis have kept the door open to a meeting with Zelensky down the line, but clearly have no interest in this shameless attention whore distracting from their fight.

“Anyone who resorts to terror commits a crime against the world. Whoever finances terror is committing a crime against the world. The world must stand united and in solidarity so that terror does not attempt to break or subjugate life anywhere and at any moment,” Zelensky wrote in a tweet, speaking out against Hamas extremists shortly after the attacks took place.

Zelensky’s 15 minutes of fame are over. His constant whining failed to start World War 3, and the military-industrial complex has now moved onto more fruitful endeavors.

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