United Nation Official Criticizes Health “Misinformation” & Pushes for “Digital Integrity Code”

The United Nations is apparently continuing to push for the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Information Integrity on Digital Platforms.
This code is predicated on a prior policy brief that recommends censorship of whichever content is considered to be “disinformation, misinformation, hate.” UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming is energetically pushing for this policy.
Towards the start of April, Fleming gave a speech at Boston University. The topic of this speech was largely focused on AI. This technology is largely viewed as useful by globalist elites who pursue a full-fledged censorship agenda.
A piece on the Boston University Center on Emerging Infectious Diseases website initially claimed that AI played a “major role” in helping disseminate misinformation and conspiracy theories “in the post-pandemic era.” This piece contended that the UN is one of the institutions that has been largely undermined by “misinformation.”
The UN official’s speech dealing with AI noted how this technology can be used to give the public regime-approved narratives on issues such as vaccines, climate change, and the “well-being” of girls and women.
That said, Fleming warned about the potential downsides about AI which she detailed below:
“One of our biggest worries is the ease with which new technologies can help spread misinformation easier and cheaper, and that this content can be produced at scale and far more easily personalized and targeted.”
The UN functionary specifically took exception with Elon Musk’s leadership of X as outlined below:
“Since Elon Musk took over X, all of the climate deniers are back, and (the platform) has become a space for all kinds of climate disinformation. Here is a connection that people in the anti-vaccine sphere are now shifting to the climate change denial sphere.”
In the end, Fleming But, reassured the audience that she and her team are “working to build coalitions and initiatives that leverage AI to promote exciting, positive, fact-driven global public health communications.”
Misinformation is merely a pretext used to justify massive infringements on free speech. Despite what our ruling class says about democracy, their revealed preferences consist of violating free speech rights. For that reason, freedom-lovers must adamantly oppose such schemes and do everything possible to undermine these elites