United States Has Given Over 10,000 Tons of Weapons to Israel Since Hamas Terror Attacks in October

The United States has delivered over 10,000 tons of weapons to the state of Israel since the successful terrorist attacks were committed by Hamas against the Jewish state on Oct. 7.
In addition to weapons, the U.S. has provided “armored vehicles, armaments, personal protective equipment, medical supplies, ammunition,” and other supplies to the Israelis. Over a span of two months, Israel dropped an incredible 22,000 US-provided bombs on the Gaza strip, according to a recent Washington Post report.
Thus far, at least 21,000 Palestinians have been killed as a result of the bombardment, which includes over 8,000 children. The actual numbers are anticipated to be a lot higher because of the bodies not yet discovered within the rubble.
A shocking report from +972 Magazine has indicated that the Israelis are deliberately targeting areas with heavy civilian populations, in what would constitute a blatant and heinous war crime.
“Nothing happens by accident. When a 3-year-old girl is killed in a home in Gaza, it’s because someone in the army decided it wasn’t a big deal for her to be killed — that it was a price worth paying in order to hit [another] target. We are not Hamas. These are not random rockets. Everything is intentional. We know exactly how much collateral damage there is in every home,” one source told +972.
Big League Politics has reported on the sharp decline of support for military aid to Israel as the public becomes more aware of the brutal nature of the war effort:
“According to a recent poll by Quinnipiac, support for the United States government sending military aid to Israel has become split and has fallen over the last 2 months…
Overall, 46% are against sending military aid to Israel. By contrast, 45% are in favor of the US sending military aid to the Jewish state.
Of note, there’s a major generational divide when it comes to sending military aid to Israel. The 18-34 demographic, which spans Generation Z and younger Millennials, are overwhelming against (72%) sending military aid to Israel. 53% of the 35-49 demographic is against the US sending military aid in this instance.
By contrast, there’s much less opposition for the US to send military aid to the Jewish state among the 50-64 (36%) and the 65 and older (28%) demographics.
As time goes on, the US’s seemingly unconditional support for Israel may not be long for this world. Israel’s changing demographics will result in the establishment of a hard Right, ethno religious state that goes against many of the values the Collective West supposedly champions.”
Undoubtedly the Palestinians are aware of who is subsidizing their destruction. This will cause immense blowback and a sharp increase in animus against the U.S. in the region, creating more terrorists for decades to come.