University of Michigan Medical School Offers Counseling to Snowflakes Triggered by Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

The University of Michigan Medical School sent out an email offering snowflake students therapy if they were triggered by Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal.

“Many of you may have learned of the recent verdict released last Friday, acquittal of all charges, in the Kyle Rittenhouse homicide trial.  Although we know there is a diversity of thought within our community, many are finding it hard to process and understand the verdict that Rittenhouse received,” stated an email addressed to the Michigan Medical Community that was obtained by journalist Brandon Hall.

“As a community, we understand that grace, opportunity for rehabilitation, and leniency are needed in our criminal justice system but there is no role for inconsistency or outcomes that differ based on racial or ethnic bias,” they added, needlessly shoehorning race into a trial in which a white man shot three white assailants.

The email also referenced the Armaud Arbery case, in which a serial burglar was shot during an attempted citizens’ arrest, as something else that may be causing distress among the snowflakes.

“Michigan Medicine leadership, through our Anti-Racism Oversight Committee (AROC), has unequivocally recognized racism as a public health crisis.  We stand together against bias and inequali​​ty.   It is our collective responsibility as an organization to improve our climate as long as inequities and discrimination exist,” they wrote.

“The Office for Health Equity & Inclusion, in partnership with AROC, will be hosting a Community Conversation on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at noon to provide support and a venue for further dialogue. Anyone who would like to participate is welcome and encouraged to join the conversation,” they added.

The email was signed by Marschall S. Runge, MD, PhD., who is the CEO of Michigan Medicine and Dean of the University of Michigan Medical School; David C. Miller, MD, MPH, who is President of University of Michigan Health; Steve Vinson, who is the diversity liaison for the U of M medical school; David J. Brown, MD, who is an associate vice president and serving as associate dean for Health, Equity and Inclusion; and Kristen Howard, Esq., who works as senior director for the Office for Health Equity and Inclusion.

Big League Politics reported on the historic Rittenhouse verdict that reaffirmed the right of self-defense for Americans:

Jurors in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Friday determined that Kyle Rittenhouse is not guilty on all counts, concluding an intense trial surrounding the self-defense of a teenager who was attacked by vicious and violent rioters during deadly unrest in the city last summer.

Rittenhouse, 18, would have faced a mandatory life sentence if he was convicted of first-degree intentional homicide.

The verdict came on the fourth day of deliberations and the 15th day of the trial.

Many officers, pro BLM + Antifa protestors, and members of the media were seen waiting outside of the courthouse Friday.

Various prominent political commentators have taken to social media in order to celebrate the verdict.

“The jury got it right—finding Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges. The fact that charges were brought before any serious investigation is evidence that the government was motivated by politics, which itself should be considered criminal,” posted former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.

The response from the University of Michigan should come as no surprise to anyone. The far-left atmosphere on campuses like that of U of M is killing civilization, and all of these administrators are co-collaborators.

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