UNREAL: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Unveils Costly Migrant Camp

New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently opened a migrant camp on Randall’s Island, where schoolchildren’s soccer fields will be completely uprooted as a result of this migrant housing scheme. The housing scheme is projected to cost NYC taxpayers about $20 million on a monthly basis.

On August 21, 2023, Adams’s office started placing single adult male border crossers and illegal aliens in the newly constructed migrant camp.

Per the New York Post, by the August 21’s end, there will be at least 150 border crossers and illegal aliens filling up the migrant camp. City officials have the ability to fill the camp with about 3,000 single adult male migrants. However, this program comes at a steep cost of $20 million per month to NYC taxpayers.  

“We’re taking away from people who are real New Yorkers,” a woman based in Queens said to the Post. “… I was born here, on the Lower East Side, and you’re telling me they come first? How is that? I pay my tax money, federal, local, all that beautifulness, and my children don’t get to enjoy New York.”

According to John Binder of Breitbart News, New York City’s school children who played on the soccer fields on Randall’s Island will have their leagues and games thrown out of whack as a result of the migrant camp. In response to this shocking development, thousands of parents signed petitions calling on Adams not to put border crossers and illegal aliens on the soccer fields. However, this opposition was ignored.

One single adult male border crosser who hailed from Venezuela informed the Post that he is content with how generous the government has been when it comes to doling out taxpayer money to migrants.

“I’m feeling good. The government of the United States of America, they help you,” the border crosser remarked.

Per Binder’s findings, illegal immigration to NYC is projected to cost New Yorker taxpayers roughly $12 billion by 2025.

Illegal immigration is not cheap. Nor is legal immigration. Mass migration is a socio-economic tax on all fronts. Not only does mass migration cost a pretty penny in terms of welfare services and strain on infrastructure, it also does tremendous demographic damage to the Historic American Nation as the European American population  — the country’s founding stock — gets replaced by foreigners.

Only a nationalist regime that is willing to impose immigration restrictions can do away with his madness. 

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