EXCLUSIVE: Buttigieg’s Accuser Says He Was ‘Set Up’ By Hoaxer Jacob Wohl
UPDATE: An exclusive interview with Hunter Kelly reveals that he was allegedly set up by known fraudster Jacob Wohl.
The Internet has been awash with skepticism over a sexual assault claim made by a man named Hunter Kelly against 2020 presidential candidate and South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.
Big League Politics has been looking into the accuser. Here’s what we found:
There is a Facebook page under the name “Hunte Kelly,” which has been active for years and whose photos match the profile photo of the Medium blog where Kelly made his accusation.
Compare a Facebook photo:
To the Medium photo:
Another Facebook account for Hunter Kelly in Big Rapids, Michigan also matches the photographic description of the Medium accuser.
In the Medium post, Kelly describes himself as a 21-year-old who attends a college in rural Michigan. That description fits with a post on the Hunte Kelly Facebook page, which says he began a program at Ferris State University in 2018. Ferris State is, indeed, in rural Michigan. It is well north of Grand Rapids.
A Ferris State Dean’s list post from fall of 2018 also shows that a Hunter Kelly is enrolled, and apparently a good student.
Some Facebook posts show that Kelly is a Trump fan:
Hunter Kelly also has an Instagram account, which lists him as a Ferris State student. The profile photo appears to match both Facebook and Medium, though the account itself is set to private.
Hunter Kelly also has a recently-opened Twitter account, which he used to share his Medium post Monday.
The account recently posted a Tweet explaining that he has received hundreds of phone calls and messages from reporters, and is sorting through them to do an interview.
“I’ve received hundreds of phone calls today from journalists doing dogged reporting. They’ve called my school, my friends, my family and people who barely know me. I’m now sorting through my messages to do an interview about my horrific experience. Please pray for me,” he said.
Either this is an elaborate hoax, and one for which Kelly’s life will surely be ruined, or he’s actually got a story to tell about Buttigieg.
The only other possibility is that someone stole his identity and made up the allegations in order to spite the candidate.
This story is still developing.
Tom Pappert contributed to this report.
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