VDARE Suing Mayor of Colorado Springs After Police Protection Pulled from Event

VDARE, a non-profit organization fighting illegal immigration and abuse of the legal immigration system in the United States, is suing the mayor of Colorado Springs, Colorado after he pulled city services for VDARE’s private event.

“Mayor [John] Suthers’s statement made clear that Colorado Springs would not provide police protection to a lawful private gathering.  He made plain that his reason for this blatant discrimination was VDARE’s exercise of its First Amendment right to advocate for changes to America’s immigration policies,” VDARE’s attorney Randy Corporon told Big League Politics. 

After Suthers pulled fire and police, the venue was forced to cancel the event, and VDARE was effectively de-platformed.

“This was a flagrant violation of VDARE’s First Amendment rights. And it is especially troubling for those of us who support the constitutionally protected rights of all groups, whether controversial, favored or disfavored in the eyes of governmental authorities or the public, to peacefully assemble and share ideas,” Corporon said.

Corporon drew comparisons between VDARE’s treatment and the treatment of violent, disruptive, and often criminal groups like Antifa, who receive public accommodations every day, despite their penchant for causing chaos.

“Indeed, we see government officials in other jurisdictions, such as Portland, Oregon in October of 2018, aggressively and at significant taxpayer expense, providing government services to support and protect radical, violent, disruptive groups like Antifa as they literally take over city streets,” he said.

Suthers’s office became flustered when BLP called for comment. They directed us to a spokesperson who never returned our comment request.

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