VERITAS: O’Keefe Video Targets Deep State Leakers, DSA Activist Who Harassed Kirstjen Nielsen

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas released a second video Wednesday exposing bad actors in the deep state, including one of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) organizers who harassed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.
“I’m a paralegal at the Department of Justice,” said Allison Hrabar, who was not disciplined for leading a mob of protestors against Nielsen as she ate dinner at a restaurant in Washington D.C. in June.
“And there’s like a lot of talk at work about like how we can resist from the inside, and there’s a lot of, like, push back,” she said. “Like, what’s kind of lucky is at the DOJ, we can’t really get fired.”
Hrabar explained that members of the DSA inside the federal government are working against President Donald J. Trump’s administration by slowing down the process of removing government benefits as ordered.
O’Keefe’s team also caught Jessica Schubel, a senior policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities admitting to illegally receiving and leaking sensitive information to reporters.
You’ve heard all about leakers… people who are illegally sending and receiving confidential government information. Today's video shows former HHS admitting to receiving confidential govt info and passing it on. full story:
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) September 19, 2018