VIDEO: Bernie Sanders Refuses To Say Whether He Believes Fairfax Accuser

A U.S. Senator from Vermont refused to say whether he believed Vanessa Tyson, the woman who accused Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax of sexual assault.
“Sen. Bernie Sanders will not say if he believes VA Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax’s accuser…” Tweeted Daily Caller’s Henry Rogers, attaching a video:
Sen. Bernie Sanders will not say if he believes VA Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax’s accuser…
— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) February 5, 2019
Sanders, a bona fide member of the #BelieveAllWomen club during the confirmation process of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh last year, appears not to have re-upped his membership in 2019.
“If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court it will have a profoundly negative effect on workers’ rights, women’s rights and voting rights for decades to come. We must do everything we can to stop this nomination,” he Tweeted.
If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court it will have a profoundly negative effect on workers' rights, women's rights and voting rights for decades to come. We must do everything we can to stop this nomination.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) July 10, 2018
“We must fight to make certain that women throughout the country have the right to control their own bodies. We need to stand up for Roe v. Wade now more than ever and stand together to defeat Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination,” he Tweeted later.
We must fight to make certain that women throughout the country have the right to control their own bodies. We need to stand up for Roe v. Wade now more than ever and stand together to defeat Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) September 10, 2018
“Last week Dr. Ford showed tremendous courage as did many survivors across the nation as we grapple with issues that are long overdue in addressing. We must continue to confront these issues and that begins with defeating Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination,” he Tweeted even later.
Last week Dr. Ford showed tremendous courage as did many survivors across the nation as we grapple with issues that are long overdue in addressing. We must continue to confront these issues and that begins with defeating Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) October 1, 2018
The sanctimony went on and on. But now that a powerful Democrat has been accused of such misgivings, Sanders is silent.
Is it simply because of party affiliation, or is it because Kavanaugh’s accuser was white, and Tyson is a person of color?
The world may never know.
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