VIDEO: Here’s A Tour of Epstein’s Pedophile Island, With Temple, Statues, and Sundial

Accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein lorded over a bizarre island called Little Saint James Island, which featured a temple, a massive sundial, and statues including an owl-like statue resembling the icon of Molech that is used in occult ceremonies at the elitist California retreat known as Bohemian Grove. President Donald Trump is demanding answers regarding who in Epstein’s elite circle actually traveled to the hedge fund billionaire’s so-called “Orgy Island.” Bill Clinton flew on Epstein’s “Lolita Express” airplane at least 26 times, including with underage girls and without Secret Service accompaniment on at least five flights.

I walked viewers through a recent Internet diorama — courtesy of Rusty Shackleford — of Epstein’s island on The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley Sunday on Patriots Soapbox, following reports that the temple dome is no longer intact.

President Donald Trump plotted his takedown of accused child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s elite inner circle during the 2016 election, convening a meeting with then-National Enquirer owner David Pecker prior to Trump’s comment at CPAC 2015 about how Bill Clinton has a Jeffrey Epstein problem.

Vanity Fair reports: “Trump had been following the story closely. In the week or so leading up to his CPAC speech, David Pecker, who owned the Enquirer until it was sold in ruin earlier this year, visited Trump on the 26th floor of Trump Tower, bringing along an issue with a Prince Andrew and Epstein-related cover, according to people familiar with the meeting. Pecker, of course, was in the business of protecting Trump…Pecker, he later told me, used to send him articles and issues before they were published so that he and Trump could read them. After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.’”


This was well known to close observers.

In 2015, I exclusively reported that Jeffrey Epstein pleaded the Fifth when asked about his friendship with Bill Clinton.

I told Steve Bannon about Jeffrey Epstein’s Clinton connections on Breitbart Radio early in the 2016 primary, noting that Bill Clinton was aboard a plane to Epstein’s orgy island.

Court documents show that Jeffrey Epstein had 21 different phone numbers for former Democrat president Bill Clinton.

“Epstein’s personal phone directory from his computer contains e-mail addresses for Clinton along with 21 phone numbers for him, including those for his assistant (Doug Band), his schedulers, and what appear to be Clinton’s personal numbers. This information certainly leads one to believe that Clinton might well be a source of relevant information and efforts to obtain discovery from him were reasonably calculated to lead to admissible evidence,” according to the court documents from a civil case filed by victims against Epstein.

A “little black book” of names and addresses kept by Jeffrey Epstein’s butler is a veritable who’s who of the global elite — and George Soros’ nephew Peter Soros shows up in its pages.

The U.S. District Court Judge presiding over the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking case was appointed to the federal bench by former president Bill Clinton, a frequent travel companion of Epstein. Epstein actually claimed to be a co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiative.

Richard Berman was appointed by Bill Clinton in 1998. He presided over Dinesh D’Souza’s case where D’Souza was convicted of re-imbursing friends to evade campaign contribution limits in a New York election.

Meanwhile, disgraced former FBI director James Comey’s daughter Maurene is one of the prosecutors in the case.

Big League Politics reported:

Documents released by the FBI pertaining to Clinton-connected pedophile Jeffrey Epstein show that the known child predator had a professional relationship with then-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller.

“Epstein has also provided information to the FBI as agreed upon,” says one of the court documents. “Case agent advised that no federal prosecution will occur in this matter as long as Epstein continues to uphold his agreement with the state of Florida.

Twitter sleuth @techno_fog mined this from the released FBI files:

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