VIDEO: Mormon Mitt Romney Invested In Fetus-Dumping Company

Utah Senate candidate Mitt Romney was heavily invested in Stericycle, the company that long disposed of fetuses after they were killed at Planned Parenthood clinics and other abortion centers around the country. Considering this information, we should probably investigate Mitt Romney’s actual beliefs. Is he a Christian, or is Mormonism something different entirely?
Watch Howley Reports To Get The Truth
Big League Politics’ Luke Rohlfing reported Monday:
U.S. Senate candidate, and former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney has pledged to oppose President Trump if he is elected. This comes after President Trump gave Romney his endorsement, something that many of his supporters were unsure of…
In an op-ed penned for the The Salt Lake Tribune, Romney found his inner liberal, and trashed President Trump while putting himself on a pedestal as an independent voice. Romney stated his opposition to Trump’s decision to leave the globalist transpacific partnership, as well as the President’s “fair trade” belief in tariffs on countries that are ripping off America.
Romney even expended an entire paragraph to virtue signal and race-bait, stating that he will oppose Trump every time he “does something which is divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions.” The entire paragraph sounded like something you would find on Bernie Sander’s political literature, not in an op-ed penned by a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.