VIDEO: Utah Driver Hit with Gunfire by Black Lives Matter Mob After Vicious Car Attack

A driver was reportedly struck with gunfire after being accosted by a Black Lives Matter (BLM) mob in the streets of Provo, Utah.
A video has been produced of the scene in which the driver was mobbed by a group of rioters before apparent shots were fired. The driver was eventually able to get through the mob following a terrifying confrontation. Reporter Andy Ngo confirmed that the driver was in fact shot by one of the BLM terrorists.
The video can be seen here:
Zoomed in and slowed down video clearly shows rioters pull a gun and shoot into the truck before it attempts to escape. Is this what #BlackLivesMatter is about? #DezNat
— Hoss Snake Guy (@NiasDiad) June 30, 2020
The police are currently investigating the incident and reviewing the footage. They have yet to press charges against any of the BLM rioters.
“Several protesters began crowding around the vehicle. A male protester ran to the SUV on the passenger side, pointed a handgun at the driver and shot one round,” said Deputy Chief John Geyerman, Provo PD.
They confirmed that one individual fired two shots, and one of the shots struck the driver who suffered non-threatening injuries as a result of the blast.
“[A video of the incident] shows that the protester conceals the firearm and continues to protest,” Provo PD announced in a Twitter post. “This same protester later approached another vehicle at 500 North and University Avenue striking and breaking the window with the handgun.”
Hootie Hennessey, a BLM supporter who documents the movement on his YouTube page, believes that the rioters went too far in how they attacked the man’s vehicle and shot him.
“There is inequality, but the way that the group yesterday goes about inciting change isn’t going to bring the change that they expect,” Hennessey said. “You just don’t fight evil with evil, and that’s what we saw yesterday.”
Big League Politics has reported about how BLM terrorists have regularly harassed motorists and made them fear for their own lives:
A Seattle man who was mobbed by left-wing rioters as he attempted to drive through the city was forced to shoot a man who was attacking his car before leaving his vehicle and running to safety with gun in hand…
The man has been arrested for refusing to allow the mob to destroy his car and rip him to shreds, in a glimpse of what law enforcement will look like after the “Black Lives Matter” mob takes over.
The far-left Seattle City Council has stood with the looters and rioters throughout the sustained riots. They have frequently admonished police for not rolling over to the thugs in the streets. Law enforcement is mentioning that this response from city officials is putting police in grave danger.
“This situation is becoming more untenable by the day and I fear law and order and SPOG members’ safety are in peril,” wrote Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG) President Mike Solan.
More Americans will be forced to take the law into their own hands in order to subdue the mob, if BLM is not labeled as a terrorist group and put down with federal force.