Virginia Community Colleges are Removing the Names of Famous American Historical Figures Because of Their “Racist” Legacy

Many on the Right have warned that the monument removals and erasure of the names of Confederate figures from the public figure were just the first steps towards iconoclastic campaigns directed against regular American historical figures.

Recent developments in Virginia are confirming this fear. 

Now it’s unfolding in real time. According to the Washington Post, a Virginia community college is getting rid of its name John Tyler, the 10th president of the United States. The reason? His support for the Confederacy before his death in 1862. 

An additional community college is scrapping the name of Thomas Nelson Jr.,a signatory of the Declaration of Independence and a notable military and political leader. His name was removed because of his ownership of hundreds of African slaves. 

A third community college put an ampersand to highlight that Patrick & Henry Community College is named for two counties in the southern part of the state. This modification was made in order to distance the community college from its previous association with Patrick Henry, the famous patriot during the American Revolutionary War. Again, this move was made because of Henry’s ownership of slaves.

These decisions have come on the heels of the George Floyd unrest that has swept across the nation over the last year. It has resulted in a massive cultural shift in public institutions nationwide. John Tyler Community College, which is located close to Richmond, will change its name to Brightpoint Community College. Similarly, Thomas Nelson Community College, located in Hampton, Virginia, will now be named Virginia Peninsula Community.

Unquestionably, America is going through a cultural revolution. The heroes of yesterday are now on the chopping block thanks to the ascendance of the Woke Left. The Right needs to start getting serious about defending American history, lest it wants to see a wholesale disappearance of American culture within our lifetime.

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