VP Harris Will Head Task Force To Address Online Harassment And Abuse

A new federal task force called the “White House Task Force to Address Online Harassment and Abuse” launched Thursday afternoon, and Vice President Kamala Harris hosted its first meeting.

According to an official White House “fact sheet,” the task force will respond “to the need for government leadership to address online harms, which disproportionately affect women, girls, people of color, and LGBTQI+ individuals.” The meeting will center around the VP convening a “survivor and expert” roundtable.

As many have already pointed out, this task force sounds extremely similar to the failed Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board. As its poses familiar goals and intentions to what czar Nina Jankowicz was pushing for just a few weeks ago.

For example, one of the task force’s intentions includes, “enhancing and expanding data collection and research across the Federal Government to measure the costs, prevalence, exposure to, and impact of technology-facilitated gender-based violence.”

While another is “developing programs and policies to address the disproportionate impact of online harassment, abuse, and disinformation campaigns targeting women and LGBTQI+ individuals who are public and political figures.”

Just like what Jankowicz conquered about her “Ministry of Truth,” this new task force believes its efforts will stop the next U.S. mass shooting from happening. Even though it fails to elaborate on how exactly it would do that. “The internet can fuel hate, misogyny, and abuse with spillover effects that threaten our communities and safety offline,” the task force cited.

It is also not clear what platforms the task force will be analyzing. Regardless, it has been given 180 days to provide recommendations for how it plans on combating “illegal conduct” online.

Beyond the shameless attempt to resurrect President Biden’s failed “Ministry of Truth,” many Americans are calling Harris out for her mishandling of priorities. 239,416 illegal aliens crossed our southwest border last month, which is the highest number ever recorded. Not to mention a situation the VP was tasked with a year ago. Since then, we have seen astronomical numbers month after month with zero signs of slowing down.

Per The New York Post, “Vice President Kamala Harris is supposedly the White House point on the border surge, but the issue has vanished from her schedule.”

“She hasn’t hosted an immigration event in nine months,” it added.

Harris has, essentially, given up her role of protecting our Southern border. Turns out monitoring “hate speech” on the internet is more important than U.S. sovereignty.

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