Washington Post Bashes ‘Transition’ Surgery


Washington Post Bashes ‘Transition’ Surgery -Did WaPo really just do that?! A new op-ed from The Washington Post featured a man who identifies himself as a woman expressing regrets over his decision to undergo a surgery meant to permanently alter his sexual appendages at only 19 years old.

The op-ed’s author, software developer Corinna Cohn, stated that he was sincerely regretful for his decision to undergo such an extreme process. Cohn explained that he was far too young to make such a drastic decision, one that he believes sentenced him “to a lifetime apart” from fellow peers.

Washington Post Bashes ‘Transition’ Surgery

“When I was 19, I had surgery for sex reassignment, or what is now called gender affirmation surgery,” Cohn wrote. “In terms of my priorities and interests today, that younger incarnation of myself might as well have been a different person — yet that was the person who committed me to a lifetime set apart from my peers.”

“There is much debate today about transgender treatment, especially for young people. Others might feel differently about their choices, but I know now that I wasn’t old enough to make that decision,” he added. “Given the strong cultural forces today casting a benign light on these matters, I thought it might be helpful for young people, and their parents, to hear what I wish I had known.”

Cohn said he believed that attempting to transition his body to that of a female would attract other men, before later discovering that “in truth, few straight men are interested in having a physical relationship with a person who was born the same sex as them.” He then fascinatingly noted that “it turned out that several of [his] crushes were also gay,” leading him to wonder what had happened if he simply pursued a homosexual relationship at the time. Cohn appeared to imply that he would likely be in a happy homosexual relationship now had he never pursued a gender transition.

It turned out that several of those crushes were also gay. If I had confessed my interest, what might have developed? Alas, the rampant homophobia in my school during the AIDS crisis smothered any such notions. Today, I have resigned myself to never finding a partner. That’s tough to admit, but it’s the healthiest thing I can do.

The writer appears resigned to a lifetime of mental torture tragically noting, “from the day of my surgery, I became a medical patient and will remain one for the rest of my life.”

The piece has drawn mixed reactions, largely upsetting those on the far left and generally being met with support from actors on the right. Fox News reported that some accused The Washington Post of being comprised of “far-right bigots” for their complicity in allowing the op-ed to surface.

Others had more positive thoughts.

“It takes real courage to put yourself out there like this. I am shocked WaPo published this story, because it goes against the Narrative, but it’s very important,” outspoken Ron DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw wrote.

Journalist Bari Weiss commented on the piece too, writing, “this is heartbreaking, but extremely important. Bravo to The Washington Post for publishing it.”

The idea that people can transition from men to women and vice versa has drawn massive controversy as of late. Certain states have sprung into action in attempts to combat the ideology, including Texas, which in August of 2021 had its head of Family and Protective Services classify transgender surgery for children as an act of child abuse.

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