WATCH: “Are You A Junkie?” Joe Biden FLIPS On CBS Reporter After Question About Cognitive Test

Joe Biden responded angrily to a question from a CBS News reporter on taking a cognitive test Wednesday, asking Errol Barnett if he was a “junkie” and stating that he should have to take a drug test in order to interview Biden with the assumption he was taking cocaine.
“No, I haven’t taken a test… Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man! That’s like saying to you, before you got on this program, you take a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not? Are you a junkie?”
The inference that CBS reporter Errol Barnett is a junkie would’ve almost certainly been blasted as offensive if President Trump or another public figure made the claim. At the most, Biden’s ad hominem response to the legitimate question reveals his sensitivity to claims of his own cognitive decline.
“I know you’re trying to goad me… I’m so looking forward to having an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the president in the debates.”
President Trump has argued that Biden should take an equivalent of the Montreal Cognitive Fitness Test, which he took around a year ago with results indicating strong cognitive capacity. The question of mental acuity has consistently arisen as Biden frequently commits mental errors and gaffes during public appearances, ranging from forgetting which state he’s in, confusing his wife and his sister, and even forgetting what office he’s campaigning for.
Biden went on to struggle to pronounce the phrase “physical fitness.”