Fake News Media
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Mar 1, 2019

WATCH: CNN’s Van Jones Confronted By Project Veritas, Calls O’Keefe ‘Horrible Human Being’

By Tom Pappert

The Project Veritas journalist who recorded CNN news commentator Van Jones calling the special counsel’s Russia investigation a “nothing burger” ran into Jones again, this time with James O’Keefe in tow.

Project Veritas‘s formerly undercover journalist ran in to Van Jones again while at CPAC, greeting him warmly. This time, Van Jones immediately recognized him, and told him he is “terrible” for doing “what you did,” as he told his camera man “This is the guy, get his face really good!”

“This is the guy who comes up to me on the street corner, acts like he’s my friend, and then taking me totally out of context on the nothing burger,” said Jones.

Moments later, O’Keefe introduced himself to Jones, and asked him what was taken out of context.

In response, Jones told O’Keefe that he would not communicate with him as he is “known for being a horrible human being” and left the area.

Jones is referring to a bombshell from 2017, in which the Project Veritas journalist secretly recorded Jones calling the Russia investigation a “nothing burger.”

Big League Politics reported in 2017:

A second video has been released by Project Veritas in their American Pravda series, in which their hidden cameras revealed CNN’s superstar activist and commentator Van Jones saying that the network’s Russia narrative is a “big nothingburger.”

The latest video comes on the heels of Veritas releasing explosive footage of CNN producer John Bonifield admitting that the network’s coverage is “mostly bullshit” — and being done by direct order of the network’s president, Jeff Zucker.

Wednesday’s release features an undercover journalist speaking to Jones, one of the most prominent figures at CNN, declaring that “the Russia thing is just a big nothingburger.”