WATCH: Heroic Preacher Interrupts ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ with the Word of Christ
A video is going viral of a preacher confronting a showing of “drag queen story hour” with the word of Christ.
“What are you going to do when you stand before God and are judged for your sins?” the preacher asked the crowd.
He then quoted Matthew 18:6, which states “but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea” to the audience. This is when the left-wing mob confronted the man and began to harass him.
“This is child abuse!” he exclaimed.
The heretics in attendance, who were content upon offering their children’s souls to Moloch, booed the man as he preached the word of Christ to them.
“These little ones need to be raised up in the Lord. These little ones need to be raised up in the knowledge of Jesus Christ,” he said.
At one point, the drag queen who was grooming the children at the event approached the preacher, and he told the cross-dressing ghoul to repent.
“They’re coming here willingly,” the drag queen claimed.
“You are dressed like a whore in front of children!” the preacher snapped back.
The showdown between the Christian preacher and the pro-LGBT child abuse mob can be seen here:
This is part of a growing resistance against drag queens corrupting children in the public square. Recently, the people of West Virginia had a showing of drag queen story hour cancelled following serious resistance from a concerned public:
A West Virginia public library has cancelled their showing of drag queen story hour following a massive grassroots push back against the perverse engagement.
The Morgantown Public Library System issued a Facebook post announcing that the event would be cancelled, alleging that violent threats were the reasoning behind the decision.
“The Morgantown Public Library System (MPLS) regrets to announce that, due to multiple threats of violence against the volunteer readers, Drag Queen Story Time scheduled for November 16 is cancelled,” they wrote.
“MPLS remains committed to fostering a love of reading for all ages and interests and to serving a diverse community. The Library will replace the cancelled event with a story time conducted by Library Staff. Families who planned to attend the 10 AM, November 16th story time will still be able to enjoy a family-friendly event that celebrates our love of books,” they added.
The LGBT community of West Virginia is not taking this news lying down. They staged a protest in favor of the drag queen event outside of the library on Saturday, showing that they will continue to push their agenda no matter how angry it makes the community at large.
As the LGBT agenda becomes more pervasive, Christians and other individuals with a moral compass will need to stand up against the movement’s targeting of innocent children.