WATCH: Hillary’s Reaction To President Trump At Bush Funeral

Hillary Clinton was not happy when President Donald Trump politely approached the Clintons and Obamas while sitting near them at the George Bush funeral Wednesday in Washington, D.C.

While Michelle Obama embraced our friendly current president and Barack and Bill made pained gestures of acknowledgment toward Trump, Hillary Clinton declined to even look in his direction, instead staring straight ahead with vicious ferocity. The hatred evident here is staggering.

I reported:

Hillary Clinton, Democrat presidential candidate in 2008 and 2016 and possibly 2020, is compelled to answer two more questions under oath about the non-secure private email server that she used and hid from her own State Department during her chaotic tenure as Secretary of State during Barack Obama’s first presidential term.

Hillary Clinton, investigated by the FBI and others, faced immense public backlash during the months of her email scandal, with even her loyal lapdog press corps fascinated by the daily ins and outs of her intrigue.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton and his associate Michael Bekesha have now forced Clinton to answer two more very integral questions, courtesy of Judge Emmett Sullivan in the nation’s capital.

Here are the two questions Hillary must answer — and she only has 30 days to do it!

  1. “Describe the creation of the system, including who decided to create the system, the date it was decided to create the system, why it was created, who set it up, and when it became operational.
  2. During your October 22, 2015 appearance before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi, you testified that 90 to 95 percent of your emails “were in the State’s system” and “if they wanted to see them, they would certainly have been able to do so.” Identify the basis for this statement, including all facts on which you relied in support of the statement, how and when you became aware of these facts, and, if you were made aware of these facts by or through another person, identify the person who made you aware of these facts.”

Well, there you have it. Hillary’s email scandal is not over. In fact, it might still be far from over.

I reported:

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used her non-secure personal Blackberry while visiting Moscow, Russia as Secretary of State in October 2009, according to photographic evidence.

Clinton’s Blackberry device was already breached on her first official 2009 trip to East Asia, and the State Department explicitly told her not to continue using the Blackberry. But Clinton’s Blackberry has been identified in a photograph of the former Secretary of State in a subsequent trip to Russia.

Clinton’s obvious gross negligence regarding the security of her official communications complicates Robert Mueller’s unsubstantiated “Russia” case against President Donald Trump.

Here is the archived photo of Hillary Clinton from TIME, which was noticed by Jeffrey Marty of

Big League Politics reported:

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Blackberry was hacked by the Chinese, according to FBI sources who said that Peter Strzok’s mistress Lisa Page gave up the information in behind-closed-doors testimony about her role in Operation Crossfire Hurricane.

While her boyfriend Strzok stonewalled Congress, Page was open to cooperating behind the scenes with Republican lawmakers, according to a report citing sources. Ohio’s Jim Jordan led the way in getting Page into backdoor meetings where she aided investigators in their probe of Page and Strzok’s collusion against the Trump government, according to published reports.

TruePundit reports: “The embattled Page tossed James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Bill Priestap among others under the Congressional bus, alleging the upper echelon of the FBI concealed intelligence confirming Chinese state-backed ‘assets’ had illegally acquired former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 30,000+ “missing” emails, federal sources said. The Russians didn’t do it. The Chinese did, according to well-placed FBI sources.”


This fact victory is very important for me, because I reported at Breitbart during the first campaign that Hillary Clinton’s Blackberry was hacked by the Chinese. This is what forced Peter Strzok and the “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” people to snap into motion, making sure that James Comey did NOT find Hillary Clinton “gross and negligent” for purposes of the Espionage Act of 1913.

The evidence is right here. As I wrote: “Newly released emails show that Hillary Clinton was aware of the security problems with her personal Blackberry but used the device anyway for sending and receiving emails.

Clinton’s knowledge of the Blackberry problem — and her apparent disregard for its implications — marks a crucial point in any potential criminal case that could be made against her by the Department of Justice.

To prove a violation of the Espionage Act of 1913, prosecutors must show that a person’s “gross negligence” allowed national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted or destroyed.”

“I’m so sorry but I’m just seeing this (no blackberry contact permitted in my office) and I’m on the way to the shuttle to NY,” Clinton said in an email to personal Clinton health adviser Mark Hyman on February 27, 2009. The email was obtained by Judicial Watch, a nonprofit transparency group that is suing the State Department.

“Tomorrow I leave for Egypt, Israel, Europe and Turkey for a week. I hope the meeting and the hearing goes well. Let me know,” Clinton added.

Clinton was referring to the fact that her Blackberry was not allowed in her seventh-floor “Mahogany Row” office at the State Department due to its security vulnerability.

But Clinton kept on using the Blackberry for classified information, at least until 2011. Her top aide, Wendy Sherman, made clear in a 2013 video that Clinton was exchanging classified emails on her Blackberry that could not have existed on a non-classified system.

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