WATCH: Kellyanne Conway Manhandles CNN’s Acosta During Tuesday Presser

Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Donald J. Trump, bulldozed CNN’s alleged reporter Jim Acosta during a Tuesday afternoon press conference.

“Can you promise that the President will tell the truth tonight? Will he tell the truth?” Acosta asked Conway.

Conway was not interested in Acosta’s condescension, and responded accordingly:

“Yes Jim, and can you promise that you will? The whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Am I allowed to mention God to you? You know, Jim, make sure that goes viral. By the way, this is why I’m one of the only people around here who even gives you the time of day. And let me get back in your face, because you’re such a smart ass most of the time and you want this to go viral. A lot of these people don’t like you. But let me just be respectful to the media at large as I always am. I explained that that was alternative information and additional facts, and I explained it many times. And don’t you put it back in my face, for the all corrections your network needs to issue. I was on your network 26 times in 2018. I’m one of the last people here who will even go on. And the disrespect that you show to me personally, I’ll just look past.

When Conway said “a lot of these people don’t like you,” she pointed to the rest of the press pool. Acosta babbled at Conway through her entire response.

Acosta had his White House press credentials revoked in November after placing his hands on a female intern who attempted to take the microphone from him at the direction of Trump. The credentials were subsequently restored.


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