WATCH — Leftist Professor Dwayne Dixon Brags To Class: I Waved A Rifle At Charlottesville Driver Before Crash

Dwayne Dixon, a leader of the left-wing Redneck Revolt militia group, bragged to a seminar that he “waved” a rifle at Charlottesville driver James Fields shortly before Fields crashed into a crowd of protesters. Dixon is a cultural anthropology professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
“It was actually the mobility, the improvisational power of the entire Left that won, effectively. Right? Even though Heather died,” said Dixon, a UNC cultural anthropology professor who also bragged about using a rifle to “chase off” Fields in a Facebook post.
“So James Fields, driving his Charger, slow-rolled our western perimeters. So that was Fourth Street. Several times. One time he paused right in front of me. And I waved him off with my rifle. At his last pass he accelerated a block away and he killed Heather,” Dixon said.
“So I’m still grappling with the events of that day. So I’m trying to comprehend what happened,” Dixon said, criticizing the police and referring to protesters on his side who came back “bloodied.”
When Big League Politics asked Dixon about this on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Dixon attacked our cameraman and called the police.
Big League Politics has reported on a number of jarring incidents in Charlottesville that day as more information comes to light about what actually happened.
An eyewitness to the fatal car crash in Charlottesville, Virginia was photographed socializing with progressive billionaire George Soros’ son. Records reveal that the eyewitness has been employed as an adviser to Soros’ Open Society Foundations.
Big League Politics has obtained a photo of Chris Mahony, a New Zealand-born rugby player employed by the World Bank Group, with Alex Soros, son of the politically active socialist financier.
Mahony’s bio at the Centre for International Law Research and Policy lists advisory work that he did for the Open Society Initiative, a project of Soros’ Open Society nonprofit network.

Mahony appeared with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer to describe his witnessing of the fatal crash at the Unite the Right Rally organized by white nationalist groups, which attracted left-wing counter-protesters.
“First I saw the car at the top of the hill, before it came down. We walked past it,” Mahony said, referring to the car with black tinted windows allegedly driven by James Fields. “I didn’t think too much. I walked down the road, and maybe ten or twenty seconds later I, uh, saw a coffee shop that might be open, walked off the middle of the road, and then heard it hit the speed bump and sort of bounce, and then I looked back and saw it go through the next block and then plow into the group of people.”
“I was right next to your previous guest, Brennan, who was taking the footage,” Mahony told Blitzer, referring to his friend and fellow Charlottesville eyewitness Brennan Gilmore, a veteran of Democratic Party politics and the State Department who also served as a vocal media eyewitness to the crash.
Here is Mahony with Alex Soros at an event for the organization “Global Witness” at Fairview Farm in Bridgehampton, New York on July 7, 2012:
