WATCH: Louie Gohmert Takes Control of Dem Climate Hearing, Gets Votes To Adjourn

House Democrats scheduled a House Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing on the topic of “climate change” Tuesday, only to embarrassingly fail to show up.
“House Democrats scheduled a subcommittee hearing on climate change. Not enough of them showed up to outvote the Republicans,” The Blaze’s Nate Madden reported.
When the ranking member of the subcommittee Rep. Louie Gohment (R-Texas) moved to adjourn the hearing given the lack of attendance, subcommittee Chairman Rep. TJ Cox (D-Calif.) called a vote on the motion.
Despite a strong chorus of “aye” votes to adjourn, and only one apparent “nay,” Cox said that “in the opinion of the Chair, the nays [had] it.” A roll was called and the clerk announced that the “ayes” numbered four, while the “nays” number two.
In laymen’s terms, Cox appeared to assert that two “nays” from the Democratic members of the subcommittee outweighed four “ayes” from the Republican members of the subcommittee.
WATCH the bizarre and embarrassing exchange here:
House Democrats scheduled a subcommittee hearing on climate change. Not enough of them showed up to outvote the Republicans.@replouiegohmert called to adjourn the meeting. The motion succeeded (4-2).
The hearing adjourned.
Full video:
— Nate Madden (@NateOnTheHill) February 26, 2019
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