WATCH: Massive Brawl Breaks Out Between Center Left, Far Left South African Political Parties

South Africa Debate Brawl

In the latest development in South Africa, where political parties are attempting to economically strangle Boer farmers, a fight broke out during a debate between the pro-capitalism but left wing Land Party and the far left Economic Freedom Fighters party.

The chaotic scene began when, according to reports, the EFF party’s supporters instigated violence against other attendees during a debate. The scene quickly devolved into violence as attendees began screaming, punching, and throwing chairs at other attendees.

SABC, South Africa’s public TV network, broadcast the violence live.

It is unknown what sparked the violence, but the leftist parties appear to have a number of differences.

The Land Party, which uses a seemingly Communist Party-inspired sickle and machete for its party emblem, appears to be nominally pro-capitalism. On their website, the party advocates furthering relations with China, and wants to “bring back business confidence to South Africa” while continuing “to prosecute corrupt billionaires.” They also note many failings of the ruling African National Congress. The party also condemns the ANC’s radical calls to take land from white Boer farmers and turn it over to black citizens.

The EFF, however, takes an even more radical stand on land appropriation than the ANC. On its website, echoing communists from the 20th century, the EFF advocates taking land from Boer farmers “without compensation for equal redistribution in use.”

This shocking event occurs as the political climate in South Africa continues to deteriorate.

Last year, Big League Politics reported that the president of the Black First Land Party, members of which appeared to fight alongside the EFF party in the brawl, called for the murder of whites in a fiery speech.

Big League Politics reported:

“You kill one of us, we kill five white people,” shouted Andile Mngxitama at a Saturday rally where he called for revolution. “We kill their children, we kill their women, we kill their dogs, we kill their cats, we kill anything we find in our way.”

Mngxitama is the president of South Africa’s socialist Black First Land First Party (BFL).

The clip has been pulled from YouTube for violating the company’s terms of service, but British commentator KT Hopkins posted the clip to her Twitter account.

South Africans will head to the polls for the upcoming nationwide election on May 8, 2019.

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